Fakultet tehničkih nauka i i Konsultativni biro za međunarodne projekte MNTR pozivaju studente
master i
doktorskih studija, mlade istraživače kao i zaposlene na UNS na dvodnevni kurs koji će se održati u sredu 3. i četvrtak 4. juna u
Predavač: dr Steve Quarrie
direktor Konsultativnog bira za međunarodne projekte
Kurs se sastoji iz četiri modula:
Kvalitetno istraživanje
Pisanje naučnih radova
Posteri i prezentacije
Aspekti menadžmenta
Kurs je na engleskom jeziku i traje od 9.00 do 17.00 časova sa jednočasovnom pauzom od 12:30 do 13:30 i kratkim pauzama ujutru, od 10:20 do 10:30 i popodne, od 15:30 do 15:50.
Kratak pregled sadržaja tematskih modula:
Good quality research
Looking for the truth, hypothesis testing, the research cycle, principles of experimental design, the Null Hypothesis, sources of error, reducing the errors, data quality control, errors in biochemical analyses, avoiding fraud.
Writing scientific papers
Recognising whether you have good quality science, different types of research papers, journal impact factors, journal instructions for authors, how to tell a convincing story, recommendations for Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion, the abstract, the refereeing process.
Poster and oral presentations
Identifying the advantages and disadvantages of different poster styles, how to put together a PowerPoint oral presentation, preparing what to show, preparing how to show it, preparing the environment, commenting on a short oral presentation.
Aspects of management
Self-management, time management, setting priorities (importance and urgency), making decisions, managing your laboratory and research team, project management, managing meetings, strategic planning, SWOT analysis, managing your career.
Kurs uključuje i grupne vežbe kao i diskusiju sa učesnicima.
Molimo Vas da se registrujete mejlom na
info.biro@nauka.gov.rs u što kraćem roku.