Dufferin Research

03.10.2011. - 00:00
Dufferin Research has open its office in Novi Sad and seeking for students willing to learn and train new skills and at same time proove their already learned one.

Good results will be appreciated and awarded and for the best there are open doors to become part of the team. The technical skills required will include web programming (JavaScript, CSS, HTML, XML, MySQL, etc.). Any other programming skills sets like knowledge of Java, Perl, Python, etc. are valuable assets. As well knowledge of other European languages will be viewed positively. From all candidates active in practice will be required basic and in time master knowledge of web security and company rules. All interested candidates should send their application in free form with short lists of passed exams.

Welcome to our team.
Richard Frank
Contact email: rickf@dufferinresearch.com and
web site of company: www.dufferinresearch.com