Prezentacija programa studentske prakse KOMPANIJE BROSE za 2021. godinu

08.06.2021. - 09:13 

U četvrtak, 10.06.2021. godine u 11h, kompanija Brose održaće online predavanje za sve zainteresovane studente Fakulteta tehničkih nauka i predstaviti program studentske prakse za 2021-2022.godinu.

To je prilika da se upoznate sa detaljima prakse, načinu prijavljivanja i sa radom u kompaniji koja važi za jednu od najvećih svetskih proizvođača delova za automobile. Svi koji žele da uplove u svet automobilske industrije i prijave se na praksu, imaće priliku da postave sva pitanja vezana za prijavu direktno predstavnicima HR tima kompanije Brose.

Predavanju možete prisustvovati putem link-a u produžetku (Click here to join the meeting).

Vidimo se na virtuelnom okupljanju!

On Thursday, June 10th, at 11 a.m. Brose will offer an online lecture for all interested students of the Faculty of Technical Sciences and present the internship program for 2021-2022.

It is an opportunity to get acquainted with the details of the practice, how to apply and work in general in a company that is considered one of the world's largest automotive supplier worldwide. Everyone who wants to enter the world of the automotive industry and apply for an internship, will have the opportunity to ask all questions regarding the application directly to the representatives of the Brose HR team.

You can attend the lecture via following link (Click here to join the meeting).

See you at the virtual gathering!

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