

Fakultet tehničkih nauka u Novom Sadu i Laboratorija za Geoinformatiku imali su čast da ugoste grupu studenata i nastavnog osoblja iz Rumunije kao deo programa mobilnosti Erasmus+.
Ovaj program podrazumeva kratkoročnu fizičku mobilnost u kombinaciji sa obaveznom virtualnom komponentom, sa ciljem olakšavanja zajedničkog učenja, nastave i obuke za studente i nastavno osoblje.
Program mobilnosti poljoprivrednog fakulteta iz Temišvara u posetu Fakultetu tehničkih nauka, Univerziteta u Novom Sadu organizovala Laboratorija za Geoinformatiku, a program je obuhvatio kombinaciju fizičke i virtualne komponente učenja, sa ciljem da se maksimalno iskoriste mogućnosti transfera znanja.
Od 13. do 17. maja 2024. godine, studenti i osoblje sa Poljoprivrednog fakulteta u Temišvaru, zajedno sa svojim supervizorima, učestvovali su u kombinovanim obrazovnim sesijama koje je osmislio prof. dr Aleksandar Ristić, sa kolegama.
Program je započeo srdačnim dočekom i uvodnom prezentacijom koja je istakla mogućnosti dostupne na Fakultetu tehničkih nauka, posebno u okviru Laboratorije za Geoinformatiku i studijskog programa Geodezije i geoinformatike.
Naredne sesije detaljnije su prikazale i otvorile diskusiju na teme: katastar komunalnih uređaja, analiza strukture zemljišta korišćenjem Georadara (GPR – ground penetrating radar), i primena veštačke inteligencije (AI) u obradi podataka. Predavanja su zainteresovala učesnike, te je izlaganja pratila aktivna diskusija, pokazujući deljeni interes i ekspertizu među učesnicima.
Imali smo zadovoljstvo da predstavimo katastarski informacioni sistem, modele podataka, AI u GIS-u. Svedočili smo razmeni znanja i velikom interesovanju za oblast ekspertize koju smo predstavili. U program je uključen i obilazak zgrade Naučno-tehnološkog parka i njegovih sadržaja.
Kako program napreduje, u narednim danima učesnici će imati priliku da istraže dodatne teme kao što su akvizicija podataka, lasersko skeniranje, daljinska detekcija i njihova praktična primena u poljoprivredi. Ove sesije imaju za cilj dalje obogaćivanje razumevanja učesnika geoinformatici i praktičnoj primeni u praksi.
Program mobilnosti Erasmus+ pruža neprocenjivu platformu za učenje, saradnju i umrežavanje. Izražavamo iskrenu zahvalnost svim učesnicima na njihovom aktivnom učešću i radujemo se nastavku saradnje kroz virtualnu komponentu programa i buduće inicijative.
The Faculty of Technical Sciences in Novi Sad and Geoinformatics Laboratory were honoured to host a group of students and staff from Romania as part of Erasmus+ traineeship mobility program. This program is short term physical mobility combined with a compulsory virtual component, with the aim to facilitate collaborative learning, teaching, and training opportunities for both students and staff members.
The Erasmus+ traineeship mobility program, organized by the Geoinformatics Laboratory, included a blend of physical and virtual components to maximize learning opportunities. From 13th May to 17th May 2024, students and staff from the Faculty of Agriculture, Land Measurements, and Cadastre study program in Timisoara, accompanied by their supervisors, engaged in various educational sessions designed by host professor dr Aleksandar Ristic.
The program commenced with a warm welcome and an introductory presentation highlighting the opportunities available at the Faculty of Technical Sciences, particularly within the Geoinformatics Laboratory, Figure 1.
Subsequent sessions delved into topics such as cadastre of communal devices, soil structure analysis using Georadar (GPR), and the application of artificial intelligence (AI) in processing GPR data. The lectures sparked extensive knowledge exchange and discussion, showcasing the shared interest and expertise among participants, Figure 2.
We had the pleasure to present the cadastral information systems, data models, AI in GIS. We witnessed an extensive knowledge exchange and interest in the area of expertise that we presented, Figure 3. The lectures included the tour of the building of Science Technology Park and its facilities, Figure 4.
As the program progresses, participants will have the opportunity to explore additional topics such as data acquisition, laser scanning, remote sensing, and their applications in agriculture. These sessions aim to further enrich participants' understanding of geoinformatics and its practical implications.
In conclusion, the Erasmus+ traineeship mobility program has provided an invaluable platform for learning, collaboration, and networking. We extend our sincere appreciation to all participants for their active engagement and look forward to continued collaboration through the virtual component of the program and future initiatives.