Буилдинг Кноwледге анд Еxпериенце Еxцханге ин ЦФД

09.11.2023. - 07:41
The known fact is that beside costs, time is one of the most important aspects of one company’s strategy. More important is competitive price and the most significant is marketability of product. Therefore companies look for tools that could increase a competitive advantage of their enterprises. One of these tools is computational fluid dynamics (CFD) which could reduce the development costs of many different products like devices, machines, systems etc. Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) already significantly replaces experiments in the many engineering fields: fluid mechanics, mechanics, thermodynamics, heat transfer, mass transfer etc. The reason for this is that the application of CFD reduces development costs of different products compare to experimental development. Due to lower costs there is a trend at the universities and development centers of large companies to reduce the share of experiment and increase the share of CFD application. Because of reduction of development costs of products, recently CFD is experiencing intense development and it is becoming the topic of many research projects around the world. Leading world universities already established CFD laboratories and study programs with subjects which deal with CFD. Many of these universities even issue diplomas of computational fluid dynamics engineer. This is reason why seventeen universities from eleven countries of Central and South-East Europe region suggest establishing of new network with title “Building Knowledge and Experience Exchange in CFD”. Proposed network would bring many benefits to partners universities: establishing contacts between scientists who deal with CFD; exchanging information, knowledge and experience in the field of CFD; participating to the common research projects and other activities; assisting with work on M.Sc. and Ph.D. thesis in the field of CFD; organizing lectures, seminars, summer courses, schools, scientific conferences and workshops.

Contact Person: Prof. dr Siniša Bikić
Period of realization: 2023 – 2024
ID: CIII-RS-1012-09-2324