Interreg IPA Adrion 2021-2027

IPA ADRION includes ten countries both from EU and non-EU area and it provides financial support to public authorities (local, regional and national bodies), research institutions, NGOs, and private companies which are willing to pull together in transnational partnerships. The Programme launches Calls for Proposals which cover a wide range of topics according to its Thematic priorities. The Calls are expected to support transnational projects aiming to find joint solutions to common challenges through the development of digital tools, strategies, action plans and pilot tests.

Winning projects are co-financed to up to 85% via the Interreg Funds. National contributions from its ten Partner States will allow for 100% coverage of the project.

For the programming period 2021-2027, IPA Adrion has a total budget of 160,810 million euros, in which Interreg funds amounts to about 136,700 million euros.

The programme is marked by a strong sustasinable approach, where green policy plays a major role with dedicated resources for future funded projects up to 54% of the total allocated resources.

The Programme builds on the lessons learnt of the previous ADRION Programme (2014-2020) and the strong heritage collected by its 87 funded projects and 11 Thematic Clusters set up in the frame of its capitalisation strategy. IPA ADRION continues to support the implementation of the macro-regional strategy EUSAIR, especially through the embedding of EUSAIR flagships and specific strategic projects.

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