XIX Светска конференција IEEE ECBS 2012 у Новом Саду

11.10.2011. - 00:00

Од 11. до 13. априла 2012 год. у Новом Саду, одржава се годишња светска конференција Инжењеринг система заснованих на рачунарима, IEEE ECBS 2012, под спонзорством IEEE Техничког Комитета за ECBS (енг. Engineering of Computer Based Systems), и техничким ко-спозорством Министарства за просвету и науку Републике Србије, Покрајинског Секретаријата за науку, Одељка IEEE за Србију и Црну Гору, Универзитета у Новом Саду и заједнице факултета: Факултет Техничких Наука, Нови Сад, Електротехнички Факултет, Београд и Електронски Факултет, Ниш. Потпуна информација о овом догађају је доступна на сајту конференције:


Следи званичан позив за радове на службеном језику конференције:


ECBS 2012 will be the 19th formal IEEE sponsored meeting dedicated to formulating and advancing methods, techniques and tools for the engineering of computer-based systems.

The conference is devoted to the analysis, design, development, deployment, and evolution of complex systems whose behaviour is largely determined or controlled by computers. Such systems – also called cyber-physical systems –are characterized by functional as well as dependability requirements that mandate the tight integration of information processing and physical processes. Therefore, ECBS integrates several disciplines, including software, hardware, and communication into a complete systems engineering approach.
ECBS 2012 addresses many facets that include system modeling; requirements engineering; simulation, verification and validation; architectures, software and hardware platforms, and infra structures; dependability, safety, and security; human computer interfacing; large-scale systems and system integration; engineering processes; evolution.

The conference provides a bridge between industry and academia, blending academic research and industrial developments. Papers are sought which reflect this theme, according to the following thematic tracks:

   Adaptive Computing & Autonomic Systems
   Distributed Systems Design & Architecture
   ECBS Infrastructure (Tools, Platforms)
   Embedded Real-Time Software Systems
   Model-based System Development
   Model-based Simulation & Validation
   Verification & Validation
   Domain-Specific Modeling
   Reengineering & Reuse
   Evolution & Change

Reports of practical solutions, trends and new system characteristics for ECBS, taking an integrated systems approach, may include application domains such as: Aeronautics, Automotive and Telematics, Industrial Automation and Process Control, Medical Systems, Smart Energy Systems, Smart Sensor Networks and Environmental Systems, Telecommunication & Internet Technology and Applications.

WORKSHOPS: As in the previous years, ECBS 2012 offers to host workshops. Please contact the organizers (ecbs2012-tcm@fortiss.org) for more information.

POSTER SESSIONS: Posters and abstracts presenting work in progress are invited for a poster session. Accepted abstracts will be published in the proceedings. Graduate students are especially welcome to participate.

DOCTORAL SYMPOSIUM: The Doctoral Symposium provides a forum for PhD candidates to present work in progress and get feedback from the research community while also publishing a full paper in the IEEE proceedings.

INDUSTRIAL TRACK: The industrial track provides a forum for short papers on results of industrial research and development.

SUBMISSION OF PAPERS: Full papers and Doctoral Symposium papers must be 6 to max 10 pages in Computer Society Format, posters 5 pages max and industrial track papers 2 to 4 pages.


   Submission of titles and abstracts: 07. November 2011
   Submission of all papers: 14. November 2011
   Notification of acceptance: 19. December 2011
   Camera-ready material for publication: 16. January 2012
   Registration deadline for authors: 16. January 2012
   Early registration deadline for non-authors 22. February 2012

Submission dates for workshop papers may differ, so please check separate Calls for Papers on the workshop websites.
General Chair. Miroslav Popovic
Program Chair: Bernhard Schatz
Publication Chair: Sebastian Voss
Financial Chair: Nikola Teslic
Local Organizing Committee Chair: Miodrag Temerinac
ECBS 2011 Conference Chair: Jonathan Sprinkle

Roy Sterritt, Jonathan Sprinkle, Bernhard Schatz, Brandon Eames, Мирослав Сведа, Мирослав Поповиц, Jerzy Rozenblit, Byron Purves