Buchmeister, B., Friscic, D., Lalic, B., Palcic, I.: Analysis of a three-stage supply chain with level constraints, International Journal of Simulation Modelling, 11 (4), pp. 196-210, 2012.
(М21) Рад у врхунском међународном часопису
Vujica-Herzog, N., Vujica Beharic, R., Beharic, A., Buchmeister, B. Ergonomic analysis of ophthalmic nurse workplace using 3D simulation. International Journal of Simulation Modelling, 13 (4), pp. 409-418, 2014.
(М21) Рад у врхунском међународном часопису
Acko, B., McCarthy, M., Haertig, F., Buchmeister, B.: Standards for testing freeform measurement capability of optical and tactile coordinate measuring machines, Measurement Science and Technology, 23 (9), art. no. 094013, 2012.
(М21) Рад у врхунском међународном часопису
Gracanin, D., Lalic, B., Beker, I., Lalic, D., Buchmeister, B.: Cost-time profile simulation for job shop scheduling decisions, International Journal of Simulation Modelling, 12 (4), pp. 213-224, 2013.
(М21) Рад у врхунском међународном часопису
Tadic, B., Todorovic, P., Novkinic, B., Buchmeister, B., Radenkovic, M., Budak, I., Vukelic, D.: Fixture layout design based on a single-surface clamping with local deformation, International Journal of Simulation Modelling, 14 (3), pp. 379-391, 2015.
(М22) Рад у истакнутом међународном часопису
Brezocnik, M., Buchmeister, B., Gusel, L.: Evolutionary algorithm approaches to modeling of flow stress, Materials and Manufacturing Processes, 26 (3), pp. 501-507, 2011.
(М22) Рад у истакнутом међународном часопису
Palcic, I., Balažic, M., Milfelner, M., Buchmeister, B.: Potential of laser engineered net shaping (LENS) technology, Materials and Manufacturing Processes, 24 (7-8), pp. 750-753, 2009.
(М22) Рад у истакнутом међународном часопису
Fercec, J., Jenko, D., Buchmeister, B., Rojko, F., Budic, B., Kosec, B., Rudolf, R.: Microstructure of NiTi orthodontic wires observations using transmission electron microscopy, Metalurgija, 53 (4), pp. 469-472, 2014.
(М23) Рад у међународном часопису
Todorovic, P.M., Buchmeister, B., Djapan, M.J., Vukelic, D., Milosevic, M.D., Tadic, B., Radenkovic, M.M.: Comparative model analysis of two types of clamping elements in dynamic conditions, Tehnicki Vjesnik - Technical Gazette, 21 (6), pp. 1273-1279, 2014.
(М23) Рад у међународном часопису
Leber, M., Bastic, M., Buchmeister, B.: The trends in usage and barriers of innovation management techniques in new product development, Strojniski Vestnik - Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 60 (6), pp. 382-388, 2014.
(М23) Рад у међународном часопису
Palcic, I., Pons, M., Bikfalvi, A., Llach, J., Buchmeister, B.: Analysing energy and material saving technologies' adoption and adopters, Strojniski Vestnik - Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 59 (6), pp. 409-417, 2013.
(М23) Рад у међународном часопису
Polajnar, A., Herzog, N.V., Buchmeister, B., Jevšnik, S.: Strains and stresses of workers caused by exposure to noise, Collegium Antropologicum, 36 (3), pp. 899-909, 2012.
(М23) Рад у међународном часопису
Gusel, L., Rudolf, R., Romcevic, N., Buchmeister, B.: Genetic programming approach for modelling of tensile strength of cold drawn material, Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials - Rapid Communications, 6 (3-4), pp. 446-450, 2012.
(М23) Рад у међународном часопису
Palcic, I., Buchmeister, B., Polajnar, A.: Analysis of innovation concepts in slovenian manufacturing companies, Strojniski Vestnik - Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 56 (12), pp. 803-810, 2010.
(М23) Рад у међународном часопису
Tasic, T., Buchmeister, B., Acko, B.: The development of advanced methods for scheduling production processes, Strojniski Vestnik - Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 53 (12), pp. 844-857, 2007.
(М23) Рад у међународном часопису
Kremljak, Z., Polajnar, A., Buchmeister, B.: A heuristic model for the development of production capabilities, Strojniski Vestnik - Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 51 (11), pp. 674-691, 2005.
(М23) Рад у међународном часопису
Pandza, K., Polajnar, A., Buchmeister, B.: Strategic management of advanced manufacturing technology, International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 25 (3-4), pp. 402-408, 2005.