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(M21) Rad u vrhunskom međunarodnom časopisu
Krejic Natasa Luzanin Zorana Stojkovska Irena , Gauss-Newton-based BFGS method with filter for unconstrained minimization, APPLIED MATHEMATICS AND COMPUTATION, (2009), vol. 211 br. 2, str. 354-362
(M21) Rad u vrhunskom međunarodnom časopisu
Krejic Natasa Luzanin Zorana , Newton-like method with modification of the right-hand-side vector, MATHEMATICS OF COMPUTATION, (2002), vol. 71 br. 237, str. 237-250
(M21) Rad u vrhunskom međunarodnom časopisu
Lužanin, Z., Herceg, D., Krejić, N., Parameter selection for inexact Newton methods, NONLINEAR ANALYSIS 30 (1997), 17-24.
(M22) Rad u istaknutom međunarodnom časopisu
Krejic Natasa Luzanin Zorana Radeka Ivana , Newton-like method for nonlinear banded block diagonal system, APPLIED MATHEMATICS AND COMPUTATION , (2007 ), vol. 189 br. 2 , str. 1705 -1711
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(M23) Rad u međunarodnom časopisu
Krejic Natasa Luzanin Zorana Rapajic Sanja Dj , Iterative method with modification of the right-hand side vector for nonlinear complementarity problems, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF COMPUTER MATHEMATICS, (2006), vol. 83 br. 2, str. 193-201
(M51) Rad u vodećem časopisu nacionalnog značaja
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(U01) Osnovni udžbenik za nastavni predmet
А. Тепавчевић, З. Лужанин: Математичке медоте у таксономији, ПМФ, 198 стр, 2006, уџбеник