Course is active from 18.10.2012..
The subject purpose is to qualify students to be able to create support systems in defining in different traffic processes with applications of mathematical, statistical, graphical and account datasheet based on method and technical changes.
By accomplishing subject matters, the students will be able to manage the right choice method skills and decisive technique, creating models, explanations and result comparison, project evaluation and estimation of traffic events.
General about type and modes. Identified traffic-transport changeable processes. Method and type of decision. Specific statistic of traffic processes. Establish deterministic, heuristic ? stochastic models in traffic and transport. Application of simulation type of traffic processes for continuous period. Type of element risk in traffic. Method of multi criteria decision analysis. Estimation type. Process type in traffic and application of artificial intelligence in transport.
Teaching, auditorium and calculation praxis, consultations, essay works. Application of appropriate software package.
Authors | Name | Year | Publisher | Language |
Milutin Čupić, Milija Suknović | Odlučivanje | 2008 | Fakultet organizacionih nauka Univeriziteta u Beogradu | Serbian language |
Svetozar Vukadinović, Jovan Popović | Matematička statistika | 2008 | Univerzitet u Beogradu, Saobraćajni fakultet | Serbian language |
Svetozar Vukadinović, Jovan Popović | Zbirka rešenih zadataka iz matematičke statistike | 2008 | Univerzitet u Beogradu, Saobraćajni fakultet | Serbian language |
Svetozar Vukadinović | Masovno opsluživanje | 1988 | Naučna knjiga, Beograd | Serbian language |
Mirko Čičak | Modeliranje u železničkom saobraćaju | 2003 | Univerzitet u Beogradu, Saobraćajni fakultet | Serbian language |
John Tennent,Graham Friend | Guide to Buisiness Modelling | 2005 | The Economist in Association with Profile Books Ltd., London, Great Britain | English |
Raúl Poler, Josefa Mula | Operations Research Problems: Statements and Solutions | 2014 | Springer | English |
Moshe Haviv | QUEUES - A Course in Queueing Theory | 2013 | Springer | English |
Dušan Teodorović, Milica Šelmić | Računarska intelegencija u saobraćaju | 2012 | Univerzitet u Beogradu, Saobraćajni fakultet | Serbian language |
Course activity | Pre-examination | Obligations | Number of points |
Exercise attendance | Yes | Yes | 5.00 |
Written part of the exam - tasks and theory | No | Yes | 40.00 |
Lecture attendance | Yes | Yes | 5.00 |
Term paper | Yes | Yes | 20.00 |
Oral part of the exam | No | Yes | 30.00 |
| Name and surname | Form of classes |
 | | Lectures |
 | | Lectures |
 | | Lectures |
 | | Practical classes |
 | | Practical classes |
 | | Computational classes |
 | | Computational classes |
 | | Computational classes |