Subject: Doctoral dissertation - research and publication of results 2 (17 - 3S0Plm)

Basic Information

Scientific or art field:Traffic Planning, Regulation and Safety
Native organizations units

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Course specification

Course is active from 01.10.2019..

Application of basic, theoretical-methodological, scientific-professional and professional-practical knowledge in solving specific problems within the selected research topic. By studying the literature students are introduced to the latest insights of the field of research topic, the methods intended for solving similar or new problems, as well as scientific approaches in resolving them. Thus, students gain necessary experience in solving complex scientific and research problems from the topics of the study program.
Training students for achieving scientific abilities and academic skills, developing creative abilities and mastering specific practical skills from the topics of the study program. Students will also be able to solve theoretical and practical problems independently, understand and apply the latest knowledge, examine the latest achievements, take independent and creative action, relate and apply knowledge from different fields, solve problems using scientific methods, conduct numerical simulations and experimental research, present and discuss the results of research, communicate at professional level in writing and present the results of scientific research.
Browsing and analyzing results of scientific-research. Planning and conducting numerical simulations and experimental research. Acquiring, processing, presenting and discussing research results. Writing, publishing and communicating scientific-research results from the topic of the study program.
After consulting the mentor student decides on the research topic. The mentor delivers a research plan to the student for the chosen topic. The student is obliged to prepare the paper within the given topic using the recommended literature. During the process of preparation, the mentor can provide additional instructions to the student, refer to specific literature, and give student further guidance. In order to make the research more successful, the student seeks advice from the mentor and other professors involved in the research topic. Within the given subject, the student analyzes earlier studies, identifies the problems and disadvantages of previous research, defines the objectives of his/her research, conducts numerical simulations or experimental research. The student presents the results of his/her research in the form of subject project and by publishing the paper presented at national conference in the proceedings.
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Course activity Pre-examination ObligationsNumber of points
Oral part of the examNoYes50.00
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