Subject: Prefessional masters thesis – Practicaly oriented research (17 - PMS561)

Basic Information

Scientific or art field:Technological Processes, Techno-Economic Optimization and Virtual Design
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Course specification

Course is active from 04.09.2017..

Applying basic, theoretical, methodological, scientific, professional, and applied knowledge and methods for solving specific problems within the selected field. Within this part of the professional master thesis, a student studies the problem, its structure and complexity, and based on the conducted analyzes, he draws conclusions on possible ways of solving the given problem. By studying the literature, a student gets introduced to the methods designed for solving similar tasks, as well as engineering practice during their solving. The goal of students activities within this part of the research reflects on gaining necessary experience through solving complex problems and tasks, as well as recognizing possibilities for applying previously acquired knowledge in practice, which facilitates definition of the topic, content and structure of the master thesis.
Training students to independently apply previously acquired knowledge from various areas they had studied in order to review the structure of the given problem and perform its systematic analysis with the purpose of drawing conclusions on possible directions of finding the solution. Through independent use of the literature, the students expand their knowledge from the selected field and study various methods and papers related to the similar problematics. In this way, the students develop ability to conduct analyzes and identify problems within the given topic. By practical application of the acquired knowledge from various fields, the students are able to perceive the place and role of an engineer in the selected area, as well as the need for cooperation with other professions and teamwork.
Firstly, in cooperation with his mentor, the student visits an appropriate enterprise or institution that deals with the selected field of mechanical engineering, and then in cooperation with enterprise experts, identifies potential practical problems and tasks whose solving can represent the topic of professional master paper. Based on this, through applied research work, the student explores the field of the selected topic, defines literature review, identifies problems and methods for finding the solution, draw conclusions and proposes the content of the master paper. Depending on the topic, a part of the applied research work can include conducting of experiments, numerical simulations, statistical data processing, as well as practical work within the institution itself.
Mentor of the master thesis prepares the task of the paper based on the previous agreement with the experts from the institution in which the task will be realized, and sends it to the student afterwards. Student is obliged to write the paper within the given topic that is defined by the task of the master thesis and with the help of literature proposed by the mentor. During the process of writing the master paper, the mentor can give additional instructions to the student, propose particular literature and provide him with additional directions in order to write the master paper of proper (high ili good) quality. Wthin the applied research work, the student consults with the mentor and, if necessary, with other teachers and experts who deal with the problematics related to the topic of the paper itself. Within the given topic, the student also performs machining, measurements, tests, statistical data processing and other research, if they are required in the task of the master thesis.
SviStručna literatura iz oblasti- Serbian/English language
Course activity Pre-examination ObligationsNumber of points
Term paperYesYes50.00
Oral part of the examNoYes50.00
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