Subject: eLearning technologies and systems (09 - SIT047)

Basic Information

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Course specification

Course is active from 01.10.2010..

Precondition courses

Course idMandatoryMandatory
Aim is to train students for application and development of eLearning software components, emphasizing Internet technologies.
Basic knowledge on ICT (possibilites and technological foundations) applications to governmental sector and practical competences in Internet based technologies applicable to development of eGovernment oriented software components and systems.
ICT applications to education. ICT supportd learning and Learning management systems.Pedagogical, methodical and didactic aspects of eLearning. eLearning standards. Computer and Communication infrastructure for eLearning. Software infrastructure for eLearning. Information infrastructure for eLearning.
Teaching methods include: Lectures, computer practice, homework assignments, and consultations. During the lectures the content of the course is presented using the necessary didactic tools while student active participation is encouraged. The practical aspect of the course is covered at computer practice classes through assignments which students do independently or with the help of teaching assistants as well as through homework assignments (obligatory or optional). A student is expected to demonstrate the ability of independent task solving or understanding of the solution.
Michael Simonson, Sharon E. Smaldino, Michael Albright, SusaTeaching and Learning at a Distance: Foundations of Distance Education (4th Edition)2008Prentice HallEnglish
Course activity Pre-examination ObligationsNumber of points
Oral part of the examNoYes50.00
Name and surnameForm of classes
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Savić Goran
Full Professor

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Ivanović Dragan
Full Professor

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Nikolić Nikola

Computational classes