Subject: Material Handling Technologies (17 - II1013)

Basic Information

Scientific or art field:Proizvodni i uslužni sistemi, organizacija i menadžment
Course specification

Course is active from 18.10.2012..

The educational objective to be achieved is to acquire basic knowledge about the technologies of material handling in manufacturing and service systems, as well as about the components which they are implemented with. The aim of the course is to graduate industrial engineering engineer acquires competences for the design and implementation of material handling systems and thereby participate in the work processes within the functions of production, development and management of the system.
Students who complete the course and pass the exam are able to define the requirements for material handling, conceived system for material handling, to choose the right equipment for it and analyse the existing material handling system in the company. Graduate industrial engineering engineer acquires competence to design and analyse material handling systems with the use of contemporary tools.
Definition and classification of material handling systems (MHS). Material handling in the workplace. Features and objects of material handling at working place. Classification of workpieces. Storage devices with handling units. The positioning and orientation of the workpieces. Measuring and dosing. The formation of the output lines. Grippers. Transport. Storage. The stages of material flow. Structure of material handling systems. Quality system functioning for MH: Effect of transportation, transportation work, time effect, freight effect. Weather transport. The transport cycle. Costs of MHS. Subsystems of MHS. The choice of equipment for MHS. Automation of the MHS.
Teaching includes lectures on the subject, with examples of application systems for material handling in the workplace as well as in transport and storage functions in a manufacturing and service systems and auditory exercises within which student has to elaborate specific examples from the lecture topics. The entire exercise is carried out with the help of computers. The exam is taken firstly by defending the semester work that is a prerequisite for the final exam and the and the final exam is a test of the theory.
Dragan Šešlija, Slobodan Dudić, Jovan ŠulcNapredne tehnologije rukovanja materijalom (skripta)2018FTN Novi SadSerbian language
Sule, D.R.Manufacturing Facilities : Location, Planning and Design1988PWS Publishing Company, BostonEnglish
David E. MulcahyMaterials Handling Handbook1999McGraw-Hill Publishing Company USAEnglish
Course activity Pre-examination ObligationsNumber of points
Coloquium examNoNo20.00
Laboratory exercise attendanceYesYes5.00
Lecture attendanceYesYes5.00
Theoretical part of the examNoYes50.00
Name and surnameForm of classes
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Šulc Jovan
Associate Professor

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Dudić Slobodan
Full Professor

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Šulc Jovan
Associate Professor

Laboratory classes
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Dakić Nikolina
Assistant - Master

Laboratory classes