Subject: Fundamentals of computing and object-oriented programming (17 - BMI101)

Basic Information

Scientific or art field:Applied Computer Science and Informatics
Course specification

Course is active from 09.11.2012..

Introduce students to software development using object-oriented programming.
Upon successful course completion, student is familiar with methods, technologies and standards for development of object-oriented applications. Also, student is able to specify and develop object-oriented applications using Python programming language.
Fundamentals of object-oriented programming: object, class, relations, methods, encapsulation, object creation, constructors, inheritance, method overloading. Exceptions: creation, handling, hierarchy. Basic algorithms: search and sorting. Data structures: list, map, tree. Fundamentals of UML: diagrams, elements, modeling approaches.
Lectures. Practical exercises. Consultations. Final exam and project form the final grade.
Dusty PhillipsPython 3 Object Oriented Programming2010Packt publishingEnglish
Michael T. Goodrich, Roberto Tamassia, Michael H. GoldwasserData Structures and Algorithms in Python2013John Wiley and SonsEnglish
Vidaković, M., i dr.Java i objektno-orijentisano programiranje2018Fakultet tehničkih nauka, Novi SadSerbian language
Course activity Pre-examination ObligationsNumber of points
Oral part of the examNoYes50.00
Name and surnameForm of classes
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Luburić Nikola
Assistant Professor

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Marković Marko
Associate Professor

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Matković Jelena
Assistant - Master

Computational classes
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Marković Petar
Assistant - Master

Computational classes
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Rajtarov Nataša
Teaching Associate

Computational classes
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Topalov Stefan
Teaching Associate

Computational classes