Subject: Modeling and Simulation of Semiconductor Components (06 - EM517)

Basic Information

Scientific or art field:Electronics
Course specification

Course is active from 12.10.2009..

Precondition courses

Course idMandatoryMandatory
Introduction to ElectronicsYesYes
Students acquire knowledge in the field of modeling ang simulation of semiconductor components. Students are able to combine theory and simulation approach to component modeling.
Students who complete the course are able to: -understand the secondary effects in modern submicron components, -recognize effects in contemporary models of submicron transistors - estimate second and first order submicron transistor effects influence based on results obtained from the software package Cadence.
Basic characteristics of microelectronic circuits. The basic model MOSFET of small dimensions. An advanced model of MOSFET of small dimensions (the effect of high electrical field- the modulation of length, the hot electron effect, the mobility change as a function of gate polarization, short-band length effect- DIBL, the directions of gate loss and the effective oxide width). Modelling of the parasitic bipolar transistor in MOSFET structure. MOSFET treshold change modelling.Modelling of non-quasistatic MOSFET operating regime. The RF MOSFET model. The overview of contemporary MOSFET models (BSIM, EKV, MOS MODEL 9, MOSA1). Heterojunction electronics components (MESFET, HEMT, HBT). Semiconductor process and device mismatch modelling . Software tool Cadence will be used during simulations and component model analysis.
Lectures. Auditory practice. Computer practice. Laboratory practice. Tutorial work.
T. Ytterdal, Y. Cheng, T.A. FjeldlyDevice Modeling for Analog and RF CMOS circuit design2003WileyEnglish
J.J. LiouAdvanced Semivonductor Device Physics and Modeling1994Artech HouseEnglish
P. HabasPrinciples of Physics and Modeling of Submicron Devices1997Skripta seminara održanog na FTN-uEnglish
Editor W. L. EnglProcess and Device Modeling1986ElsevierEnglish
L. Huber, P. HabasZbirka rešenih ispitnih zadataka iz elektronskih elemenata1986Skripta, FTN Novi SadSerbian language
Course activity Pre-examination ObligationsNumber of points
Written part of the exam - tasks and theoryNoYes70.00
Name and surnameForm of classes
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Živanov Ljiljana
Full Professor

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Teodorović Predrag
Associate Professor

Practical classes
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Đugova Alena
Science Associate

Practical classes
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Radić Jelena
Associate Professor

Practical classes
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Radić Jelena
Associate Professor

Laboratory classes
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Đugova Alena
Science Associate

Laboratory classes
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Teodorović Predrag
Associate Professor

Laboratory classes