Subject: Probability and Statistics (17 - IZOO64)

Basic Information

Scientific or art field:Teorijska i primenjena matematika
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Course specification

Course is active from 01.10.2014..

Training students in abstract thinking and basic knowledge in Probability and Mathematics Statistics. Students should be able to understand and apply statistical methods on large data, particularly in informatics. Importance is in practical knowledge on quantitative approach to problems, so a statistical software is used. Aim is to train students in choosing a statistical method, making statistical analysis and presenting it in best possible way.
Student is competent to design and solve mathematical models in the field of probability and statistics in further education and professional courses.
Basic definitions in probability, conditional probability and Bayes’ formula. Random variable of discrete and continuous type, distribution functions. Two dimensional random variable. Numerical characteristics – expectation, dispersion, covariance, correlation. Limit theorems. Population, sample. Sampling techniques. Descriptive statistics, point estimate and interval estimate. Parametric and nonparametric hypotheses and significance testing. Statistical inference. Regression analysis, linear, nonlinear and logistic regression. Statistical data visualization, graphing data. Statistical models in Computer Science. Statistical package.
Lectures; Numerical computing practice. Consultations. In lectures, theoretical part of the course is followed by typical examples for better understanding. In practice, which accompanies lectures, typical problems are solved and knowledge from the lectures is deepened. Besides lectures and practice, consultations are held on a regular basis. Part of the course, presenting a logical whole, can be passed during the teaching process in the form of the following 2 modules (the first module: probability, the second module: statistics). The oral part of the examination is obligatory.
Stojaković, M.Matematička statistika2008Fakultet tehničkih nauka, Novi SadSerbian language
Grupa autoraZbirka rešenih zadataka iz statistike2005CMS, Novi SadSerbian language
W. N. Venables, D. M. Smith and the R Core TeamAn Introduction to R2017R Core TeamEnglish
Chihara L., Hesterberg T.Mathematical Statistics with Resampling and R2011John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.English
Course activity Pre-examination ObligationsNumber of points
Computer excersise defenceYesYes10.00
Computer excersise defenceYesYes10.00
Written part of the exam - tasks and theoryNoYes50.00
Oral part of the examNoYes20.00
Name and surnameForm of classes
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Ovcin Zoran
Assistant Professor

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Delić Marija
Assistant Professor

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Tošić Stefan
Assistant - Master

Practical classes
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Prokić Aleksandar
Assistant - Master

Computational classes