Subject: Object Programming
(06 -
E223A) Basic Information
Course specification
Course is active from 30.09.2005.. Course which have preconditioned courses Object Programming
Knowledge about the principles, techniques and ways of using object methodology and technologies for software development. Students should know how to use object approach for developing programs on a concrete object programming language. Problem domain, model, implementation. Basic notions and terminology. Abstraction and information hiding. Class implementation. Operation classification. Constructors and destructors. Notion and types of polymorphisms. Operator overlaping. Association. Aggregation. Inheritance. Usage connections. Other dependancy connections. Generic classes. Lectures, Computer practice. Consultations. Of the overall 100 points, 70 points are gained during the course and 30 at the theoretical examination. Pre examination assignments include: two small projects (15 points each) and four tests (10 points each) which makes a total of 70 points. In order to pass the examination a student must achieve min 55 points. Students who do not achieve 25 points during the course (which is a theoretical minimum) take the written examination.