Subject: Techniques of writing and presenting theoretical work (17 - RG012)

Basic Information

Scientific or art field:Design
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Course specification

Course is active from 14.08.2017..

Training students to use different techniques, verbal and computer, to present and write their work.
To train students to use different, verbal and computer techniques, present their work. Training students for writing scientific and expert papers, in accordance with modern standards and norms.
Introduction and definition of basic concepts, writing and presentations. Writing a short report, then a professional or scientific paper. Standards and rules for writing the diploma paper. Structure of work. Using and quoting literature. Presentation techniques: verbal, multimedia and special. Application of computer and multimedia technology in writing and presentation of work. Types of presentations: verbal, visual and computer. Application of various programs for the preparation of presentations: Power Point, Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign etc.
Teaching methods are: lectures, project development and consultations. The lectures present the contents of the course and require the active participation of students. Through subject projects students are mastering the practical topics.
Roz Džej, Entoni DžejUSPEŠNA PREZENTACIJA2006CLIOSerbian language
Popović, Z.Kako napisati i objaviti naučno delo2014Akademska misao, BeogradSerbian language
Nataša MilićCitiranje literature u naučnom radu2010Medicinski fakultet, Novi SadSerbian language
Course activity Pre-examination ObligationsNumber of points
Oral part of the examNoYes50.00
Name and surnameForm of classes
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Obradović Ratko
Full Professor

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Vasiljević Ivana
Assistant Professor

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Kuzmanović Nenad
Assistant Professor
