Subject: Packaging design (17 - F521)

Basic Information

Scientific or art field:Grafičko inženjerstvo
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Course specification

Course is active from 21.08.2017..

Educational goal of this course is to prepare students for professional engagement in various stages of packaging development and design. It aims to educate students about elements of the packaging and specifics of each packaging segment, packaging communication principles and their creative applications. Enabling students for independent or collaborative work on innovative packaging development and design. Especially important objective is introduction of students to modern software tool for packaging design, innovative packaging technologies and their applications.
After the course, students are able to be included in the process of packaging design and development. They are able contribute to improvement of communication on the consumer packaging relation, optimize packaging taking into consideration product characteristic that is being packed, material and production technology. Theoretical knowledge and practical skills obtained in this course can be used in professional engagement as well as the base for further education in this field.
Course elements are: Definition and theory of packaging design, specifics of the packaging considering product that is packed, materials and production technologies, ecological aspects, communication through packaging, analysis of successful packaging design examples. Creative approach to packaging design is supported while taking into configuration universal design principles. Practical work is related to packaging communication, construction and partly production technologies, through individual or collaborative assignments. Modern software tools for packaging design are considered as well as creative implementation of new identification and communication technologies RFID, AR, etc.
Interactive teaching consists of the lectures, practical exercises and computer work. Theory is presented in lectures, supported by the good practice examples for better understanding of the course content. Lecture presentations contain text, images, animation and video material. Practical exercises and computer work are organized to provide practical skills needed for packaging design process. Apart from lectures and practice, tutorials are regularly held.
William Lidwell, Kritina Holden, Jill ButlerUniversal Principles of design2003RockportEnglish
Catharine M. FishelDesign Secrets: Packaging2005Rockport PublishersEnglish
Kirwan, M.J.Paper and paperboard packaging technology2005Blackwell Publishing, LondonEnglish
Mason D.Experimental Packaging2001Rotovision English
Lazić, V., Novaković, D.Ambalaža i životna sredina2010Novi Sad, Tehnološki fakultetSerbian language
Course activity Pre-examination ObligationsNumber of points
Project taskYesYes20.00
Computer excersise defenceYesYes20.00
Written part of the exam - tasks and theoryNoYes30.00
Lecture attendanceYesYes5.00
Computer exercise attendanceYesYes5.00
Theoretical part of the examNoYes20.00
Name and surnameForm of classes
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Vladić Gojko
Full Professor

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Nedeljković Uroš
Full Professor

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Vladić Gojko
Full Professor

Computational classes
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Vasilić Petar
Asistent iz umetničkog polja

Computational classes
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Gvoka Teodora
Assistant - Master

Computational classes