Course is active from 01.10.2015..
Acquiring advanced knowledge of creation individual and team artwork in the area of scene design as complex artistic practice. Acquiring ability to understand and use different types performing space. Gaining ability to apply acquired knowledge and competencies through individual and group art
The ability of students to thoroughly follow and understand development of artistic practices of scene design; have knowledge of scene design artwork types and forms in relation to performing space. Ability to create and include individual artwork in mutual artsistic. Ability to apply acquired creative skills through individual and group artwork.
Scene design as art. Multimedia nature of scene artwork. Space as an inspiration, outcome and actor. Sound and light in artwork of scene design. Time in scene design artwork. Performativity as new element of exhibiting scene design arts work. The role of the audience/visitors in the scene design artwork. Dramaturgy of scene event.
Creation of mutual framework for the scene design artwork
Critical workshops, practical exercises, individual consultations. Workshops include lectures, discussions, and critical evaluation student’s artwork, as well as artwork from professional practices. During the semester students work on creation and realisation of individual artwork that concludes by unifying artworks of entire group in complex structure of team exhibition/performance in the Scene Laboratory “Borislav Gvojić“.
Authors | Name | Year | Publisher | Language |
Dadić-Dinulović, T. | Scenski dizajn kao umetnost | 2017 | Кlio, Beograd | Serbian language |
David, M., Dadić Dinulović, T. urednici | Process: Serbia at the Prague Quadrennial of Performing Arts and Space 2015/ Proces: Srbija na Praškom kvadrijenalu scenskog dizajna i scenskog prostora 2015. | 2016 | Muzej primenjene umetnosti, Beograd; Fakultet tehničkih nauka, Novi Sad | Serbian/English language |
Dinulović, R., Brkić, A. | Teatar-politika-grad | 2007 | Justat, Beograd | Serbian language |
Lotker, S., Černa, M. | Intersection - Intimacy and Spectacle | 2011 | The Arts and Theatre Institute, Prague | English |
Zupanc Lotker, S. (urednica) | Transformations of the Prague Quadrennial from 1999 to 2015 | 2017 | The Arts and Theatre Institute, Prag, Republika Češka; elektronsko izdanje | English |
Kolundžija, D. | Displacements/Izmeštanje | 2011 | Kiosk, Beograd | Serbian/English language |
Арнхајм, Р. | Уметност и визуелно опажање: психологија стваралачког гледања | 1987 | Универзитет уметности, Београд | Serbian language |
Kuburović, B., Zupanac Lotker, S. (ur.) | SharedSpace: Music Weather Politics | 2015 | The Arts and Theatre Institute, Prague | English |
Group of Athors | Prague Quadrennial of Performance Design and Space 2011. At the still point of the turning world: no inside or outside. | 2011 | Arts and Theatre Institute, Prague | English |
Burnet, K. | Collaborators: UK Design for Performance 2003-2007 | 2007 | Society of British Theatre Designers, London | English |
Ćosić, B. | Mixed media | 2010 | VBZ, Beograd | Serbian language |
Hannah, D., Harslof, O. | Performance Design | 2008 | Museum Tusculanum Press, Kopenhagen | English |
Course activity | Pre-examination | Obligations | Number of points |
Project | Yes | Yes | 50.00 |
Exercise attendance | Yes | Yes | 5.00 |
Presentation | Yes | Yes | 10.00 |
Lecture attendance | Yes | Yes | 5.00 |
Prezentacija i završna odbrana projekta | No | Yes | 30.00 |
| Name and surname | Form of classes |
 | | Lectures |
 | | Lectures |
 | | Lectures |
 | | Practical classes |
 | | Laboratory classes |
 | | Laboratory classes |
 | | Laboratory classes |