Subject: Artistic Practices of Scene Design (17 - SDO7)

Basic Information

Scientific or art field:Scenska arhitektura, tehnika i dizajn-scenski dizajn
Course specification

Course is active from 01.10.2013..

Acquiring proficient knowledge in the area of scene design as complex artistic practice in terms of its development, contemporary practices and potential subject areas. Gaining highest ability to apply acquired knowledge and competencies through individual and group art work.
Ability to create complex individual or collective scene design artwork.
Scene design as art. Approaches and creative methods in creating scene design art work. Multimedia nature of scene design art work. Scenic means in scene design art works. The role of time. Scene design art work as event. Relativisation of the exhibiting/performing relation. The role of space. Relativisation of the black box/white cube relation. The role of the audience. Relativisation of the viewer/performer relation. The term performative installation. The term active audience. Perception, reception, documentation and representation of scene design art work.
Lectures, workshop, creative work within workshop, project.
Dadić-Dinulović, T.Scenski dizajn kao umetnost2017Klio, BeogradSerbian language
David, M., Dadić Dinulović, T. uredniciProcess: Serbia at the Prague Quadrennial of Performing Arts and Space 2015/ Proces: Srbija na Praškom kvadrijenalu scenskog dizajna i scenskog prostora 2015.2016Muzej primenjene umetnosti, Beograd; Fakultet tehničkih nauka, Novi SadSerbian/English language
Lotker, S., Černa, M.Intersection - Intimacy and Spectacle2011The Arts and Theatre Institute, PragueEnglish
Zupanc Lotker, S. (urednik)Transformations of the Prague Quadrennial from 1999 to 20152017The Arts and Theatre Institute, Prag, Republika Češka; elektronsko izdanjeEnglish
Lotker, S.; Gough, R. (urednici)On Scenography (posebno izdanje časopisa Performance Research)2013Routledge, Taylor and Francis GroupEnglish
Kuburović, B., Zupanac Lotker, S. (ur.)Shared Space: Music, Weather, Politics2015The Arts and Theatre Institute, PragueEnglish
Course activity Pre-examination ObligationsNumber of points
Projektni zadatakYesYes70.00
Prezentacija i završna odbrana projektaNoYes30.00
Name and surnameForm of classes
Missing picture!

Dadić-Dinulović Tatjana
Redovni profesor iz polja umetnosti

Missing picture!

David Mia
Vanredni profesor iz polja umetnosti
