Subject: Mathematics (17 - F101)

Basic Information

CategoryAcademic-general educative
Scientific or art field:Teorijska i primenjena matematika
Native organizations units

Department of Fundamentals Sciences
Course specification

Course is active from 01.10.2004..

To acquire basic knowledge in the field of algebra and mathematical analysis. To develop abstract thinking and analytical approach to problems. To enable students to link and apply the acquired knowledge in other general and professional courses.
Student is taught to apply mathematical models presented within the course. Student is ready to utilize the acquired knowledge in professional courses and further education, as well as in practice.
Complex numbers. Determinants and systems of linear equations (Cramer`s rule and Gauss algorithm). Vector algebra and analytical geometry in space R3 (line and plane). Polynomials (polynomial zeros, factoration in the set of real and complex numbers, rational functions). Sequences (gathering points, limit values, convergence and divergence). Real functions of a variable (limit values and continuum). Differential calculation (derivatives, higher order derivatives and application). Integral calculation (indefinite and definite integrals). Application of integral calculations.
Lectures. Auditory and computing practice. Individual consultations. Homework. In lectures, theoretical content is presented with characteristic examples to illustrate and simplify the lecturing content. In practice, which are synchronized with lectures, characteristic tasks are done in a wider range and the content presented in lectures is deepened. Apart from lectures and practice, individual consultations are held regularly, or consultations in small groups. Homework is provided after each taught lesson. A part of the content, making a larger logical unit, can be passed during the teaching process in the form of 2 modules: the first module is algebra content, and the second module is mathematical analysis content.
Adžić, N.Matematika : za Arhitektonski odsek2001Fakultet tehničkih nauka, Novi SadSerbian language
Adžić, N.,Lužanin., Z., Ovcin, Z.Zbirka rešenih zadataka iz Matematike : za arhitektonski odsek1998Fakultet tehničkih nauka, Novi SadSerbian language
Nikić, J., Čomić, L.Matematika I2002StylosSerbian language
Grupa autoraZbirka rešenih zadataka iz Matematike I2009Fakultet tehničkih nauka, Novi SadSerbian language
S. GilezanIzvod iz predavanja iz Matematike2007
Course activity Pre-examination ObligationsNumber of points
Exercise attendanceYesYes5.00
Lecture attendanceYesYes5.00
Theoretical part of the examNoYes40.00
Practical part of the exam - tasksNoYes30.00
Name and surnameForm of classes
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Mihailović Biljana
Full Professor

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Tošić Stefan
Assistant - Master

Practical classes
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Prodanović Irena
Assistant - Master

Practical classes
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Lukić Dunja
Assistant - Master

Practical classes