Subject: Selected topics in engineering geodesy
(12 -
SDGI02) Basic Information
Course specification
Course is active from 14.09.2010.. To acquire basic and applied knowledge in the field of Geodesy, Geomatics, and Geoinformatics. To acquire general and applied knowledge in the field of Engineering Geodesy. Acquired knowledge is used in professional courses, as well as in the recognition and in solving the engineering problems.
Practical application of the presented concepts. Application of geodesy in numerous technical fields (civil engineering, urban planning, architecture, mechanical engineering, power engineering, mining, etc.)
Types and classifications of engineering structures (roads, tunnels, railroads, bridges, dams, line structures, buildings, etc.)
Legal regulations and technical conditions
Geodesic works during the construction of engineering structures
Geodesic networks in engineering
Geodesic basis for designing engineering structures
Geodesic marking of the designed structure geometry
Controlling the structure geometry during construction
Monitoring the completed structure
Controlling the structure geometry during exploitation
Construction tolerance and accuracy of geodesic works
Designing geodesic works in engineering
The design for geodesic works in engineering
Realization of the geodesic works design
Surveying, billing, costs and norms for geodesic works in engineering Lectures. Seminar papers. Consultations. Study and research. Prerequisites: 50% of points should be provided through subject project, during the teaching process. Examination: final examination – oral form 50%.