Subject: Communication networks - introduction
(12 -
EK202) Basic Information
Course specification
Course is active from 17.10.2012.. Basic knowledge related to the communication and computer networks. Connections in network surrounding. Students should acquire the basic function of network connections and layered function distribution. Students would acquire the basic principles of communication networks. It is intended to clarify the fundamental problems at network layers. The subject is organized as a sequel of engineering problems that should be solved at the various levels of communication link. An engineering compromise would be explained, as a solution that satisfy both the final user, and the requirements considering the available resources. Introduction (plan, pre-exam, exam, literature); Network transmission fundamentals - message, packet, session, exchange; Classical networks, frame, synchronous transmission and transport systems. Computer networks, types; Layer structures - advantages and disadvantages. PHY level - medium, line codes. Modem. MATLAB example. Data link layer - error detection and ARQ procedures; MATLAB example. Multiple access. Collision-detection, random access, carrier sensing, tree, compromised algorithms. MATLAB example. Network layer and path finding. MATLAB example. QoS. Transport layer, session, presentation and application. Security problems. MATLAB example. Lessons; practical work and laboratory work with matlab examples.