Subject: Waste to Energy Technologies (17 - ZC047)

Basic Information

Scientific or art field:Environment Protection Engineering
Course specification

Course is active from 09.10.2012..

Qualifying students for considering the whole cycle of waste management and troubleshooting of the waste to energy segment. Goal of the course is to enable solving the problems of waste management with energy utilization based on analysis of basic and new technologies and to educate students to be able to assess applicability of available technologies in real conditions.
Students gain the necessary knowledge to solve specific problems of optimum solutions selection of waste treatment and utilization in order to obtain energy. Students will be able to do analysis, design and optimization of waste treatment facility.
Theoretical study: The concept of waste, quantities and composition of municipal solid waste, National and EU legislation, disposal of waste, waste utilization technologies, mechanical-biological waste treatment, anaerobic digestion, combustion of waste, landfill gas management Practical lessons: At the exercises examples are processed where students are trained to solve specific problems in the field of waste management: waste management systems planning, work on software tools for landfill gas production modeling and determination of landfill energy potential.
Lectures, auditory exercises, computer exercises and consultations. At the lectures, theoretical part of teaching material followed by appropriate practical examples for easy understanding and adoption of material. The auditory exercises deal with teaching material in detail with active student participation. At computer exercises software tools are used to simulate the processes within the landfill. Beside lectures and exercises, consultations are held on a regular basis. written part of the examination may be taken through the form of two colloquia.
Vujić,G. i dr.Upravljanje otpadom u zemljama u razvoju2012Fakultet tehničkih nauka, Novi SadSerbian language
Marina R. Ilić, Saša R. MiletićOsnovi upravljanja čvrstim otpadom1998Institut za ispitivanje materijalaSerbian language
Ubavin, D., Batinic, B., Stanisavljević N.Tehnologije energetskog iskorišćenja otpada2018Fakultet tehničkih nauka, Novi SadSerbian language
Christensen, T.H.Solid Waste Technology & Management, Volume 1 & 22011Wiley Publication, United KingdomEnglish
Course activity Pre-examination ObligationsNumber of points
Exercise attendanceYesYes5.00
Written part of the exam - tasks and theoryNoYes70.00
Coloquium examNoNo20.00
Coloquium examNoNo20.00
Lecture attendanceYesYes5.00
Name and surnameForm of classes
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Ubavin Dejan
Full Professor

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Batinić Bojan
Associate Professor

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Tošić Nikolina
Research Associate

Computational classes
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Vigi Marija
Professional Studies Professor

Computational classes