Subject: Mechanics 2 (17 - GG14)

Basic Information

Scientific or art field:Mechanics
Native organizations units

Chair of Technical Mechanics
Course specification

Course is active from 06.10.2008..

Developing intelligence abstract concepts of mechanics and mechanical relationships and knowledge of the mechanics as one of the main areas in engineering education.
Students use the acquired knowledge in their future education and in their practice after graduation from college.
Number of degrees of freedom. Position vector of the point. Middle and current velocity and acceleration points. Speed and acceleration points in the Cartesian coordinate system and the natural coordinate system. The radius of curvature paths. Distance traveled spots. Kinematics translatory movement of the body, rotation about a fixed axis and plane of movement. The principle of specificity. Newtons laws of dynamics. Types of force. Tasks dynamics. Differential equations of motion of a material point in the Cartesian coordinate system and natural. Free and forced vibrations of a material point. Momentum, work force and potential energy. General laws of particle dynamics. The theory of particle strikes on the stationary wall. Dynamics of a system of particles. The center of mass. The general laws of dynamics of the system. Internal work force rigid body. Working torque point and the team. Dynamics of translatory motion of a rigid body. The moment of inertia. Steiners theorem. Dynamics of rotation of a rigid body about a fixed axis. Physical pendulum. The dynamics of the plane motion of a rigid body.
Lectures. Auditory exercises. Consultation. Continuous monitoring of the level of students knowledge through two homework assignments, two tests (mandatory) and a colloquium (optional). Examination.
Đukić, Đ., Atanacković, T., Cvetićanin, L.Mehanika2005Fakultet tehničkih nauka, Novi SadSerbian language
Maretić, R.Zbirka rešenih zadataka iz Kinematike2007Fakultet tehničkih nauka, Novi SadSerbian language
Course activity Pre-examination ObligationsNumber of points
Coloquium examNoNo15.00
Oral part of the examNoYes35.00
Practical part of the exam - tasksNoYes35.00
Name and surnameForm of classes
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Rakarić Zvonko
Full Professor

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Rehlicki-Lukešević Lidija
Assistant Professor

Practical classes
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Cako Sabolč
Assistant - Master

Practical classes