Professional studies

27.03.2014. - 11:59 
Professional Studies
(Undergraduate – UPS, specialist – SPS)

• Power Engineering – Renewable Energy Resources (UPS)
• Electronics and Telecommunications (UPS)
• Software and Information Technologies (Department in Inđija) (UPS)
• Power, Electronic and Telecommunication Engineering (SPS)
• Engineering Management (SPS)
• Engineering Management – MBA (International practice oriented master’s studies) (SPS)

From its establishment until 1st January 2013, 15,283 students obtained the Bachelor and Master degree in engineering at the Faculty of Technical Sciences. Thus, 9,702 students obtained the diploma of Bachelor in engineering, of which 3,399 in the field of Mechanical Engineering, 3,938 in the field of Electrical and Computer Engineering, 833 in Civil Engineering, 706 in Traffic Engineering, in the field of Architecture 395, in the field of Industrial Engineering and Management 320, in the field of Graphic Engineering and Design 88 and in the field of Environmental Engineering 23 students. Graduate academic studies - Master has so far completed 5,582 candidates; in the field of Mechanical Engineering 332, in the field of Electrical and Computer Engineering 1,369, in the field of Civil Engineering 356, in the field of Traffic Engineering 576, in the field of Architecture 641, in the field of Industrial Engineering and Management 1,424, in the field of Graphic Engineering and Design 347, in the field of Environmental Engineering 329, in the field of Mechatronics 107, in the field of Mathematics in Engineering 15 and in the field of Geodesy and Geomatics 86 candidates.

At the Faculty of Technical Sciences Master Degree in Engineering obtained 851 candidates: in the field of Mechanical Engineering 272, in the field of Electrical and Computer Engineering 279, in the field of Civil Engineering 41, in the field of Architecture 21, in the field of Traffic Engineering 46, in the field of Industrial Engineering and Management 140, in the field of Environmental Engineering 39, in the field of Graphic Engineering and Design 7, and in Mathematics in Engineering 6 candidates.

At the Faculty of Technical Sciences PhD in Engineering obtained 453 candidates: in the field of Mechanical Engineering 130, in the field of Electrical and Computer Engineering 150, in Civil Engineering 29, in Traffic Engineering 24, in the field of Architecture 12, in the field of Industrial Engineering and Management 87, in the field of Environmental Engineering 16, while in the field of Graphic Engineering and Design 5 doctoral degrees are obtained.

According to the Law on Higher Education and the Decision of the Educational and Scientific Council of the Faculty on 28/05/2003 335 engineers obtained the diploma of the first cycle studies (sixth level of education) and 252 candidates received the Diploma of a Specialist in Engineering in a particular field of science.

So far 3,291 students have obtained undergraduate academic degrees.

The Faculty was the first in this region to issue Diploma Supplement, before signing Bologna Declaration. Since 2004 it has started issuing Diploma Supplement to students in Serbian and English, which has greatly facilitated mobility and employment of our students in Europe and worldwide. Diploma Supplement is a document that is merged with the Diploma of Higher Education, also published in Serbian and English, and was made to offer a description of the nature, level, context, content and status of studies that was attended and successfully completed by the student named in the original diploma, which this supplement incorporated.

Based on the recommendations of the University (initiated by the FTS), the Rules on completion of the studies and acquisition of a title by the Law on Higher Education was adopted. Students are allowed to move into a new system of studies, and if they won 270 credits, finish their studies after the defence of Master thesis which is worth 30 credits, the student wins a total of 300 ECTS credits. So far, 3,703 candidates completed their studies and 56 enrolled doctoral studies which began in 2006/07 academic year. In 2012/13 the sixth generation enrolled the studies, so up to now 751 students entered doctoral studies.

Faculty of Technical Sciences was the first faculty in Serbia to enable students who completed the study according to the Law on University to replace their degree with ‘’new’’ Master’s degree according to the Law on Higher Education. So far, around 1,000 diplomas have been substituted at the Faculty.

On 23rd May 2008 Faculty of Technical Sciences received the Decision on the accreditation of the Faculty as a higher education institution. On 23rd December 2011 the Faculty accredited higher education unit (Department) in Inđija, and in 2012 the department in Loznica as well. Until now, 73 study programmes for academic and professional studies have been accredited. Study programme of undergraduate professional studies of Software and Information Technologies has been accredited at the Departments in Inđija and Loznica.