Subject: Theoretical Research in Scene Design (17 - SDD1)

Basic Information

Scientific or art field:Scenska arhitektura, tehnika i dizajn-scenski dizajn
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Course specification

Course is active from 01.10.2013..

Definition of the relevant topic of the PhD project in arts. Formation, definition and presentation of the theoretical framework and platform for the personal creative process. Development and definition of the personal creative discourse related to the PhD project.
Defined topic of the PhD project in arts, defined area of the project in arts, defined field and framework of theorwtical research, as well as methodology of the work and expected results introduced through project proposal, explanation and argumentation.
Defining of the wide and narrow areas of the PhD in arts project. Defining of the key reserach motives, goals and expectations. Overview of the previous theoretical reserach in the are. Overview of relevant theoretical platforms. Defining of the theoretical framework of the project. Creating of the list of referential scientific and creative sources. Doctorability study of the proposed project.
Individual research under the menthorship.
Grupa autoraSva raspoloživa literatura (knjige, monografije, doktorski i magistarski radovi iz oblasti, katalozi, periodika, elektronska izdanja, internet prezentacije...) obuhvaćena studijskim programom u celini.sve Serbian/English language
Course activity Pre-examination ObligationsNumber of points
Prezentacija i završna odbrana projektaNoYes30.00
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