Subject: Scene Architecture and Technology
(17 -
ASM1) Basic Information
Course specification
Course is active from 01.10.2013.. Acquiring the highest level of knowledge about historical development, contemporary situation and problem issues of theatre architecture and theatre technology. Acquiring the ability to apply this knowledge in independent and team creative work. A deepened and contextualized understanding of the development of scene architecture, techniques and technology throughout history and today. Sovereign knowledge of the typology of contemporary performing spaces and structures, as well as their functional and
technological logic and structure. Ability of individual and team creative application of acquired knowledge. Architecture and technology of contemporary scenic structures and performing spaces in the context of traditional and modern ideas about performing space and performing art. Typology of contemporary building for performance and performing space. Facilities and
spaces of contemporary performing arts. Architecture and technology in contemporary theatre. Architecture and technology of the space of contemporary non theatre spectacle. Facilities and spaces of contemporary visual arts. Architecture and technology of space for
exhibiting, presenting and preserving artworks. Architecture and technology of modern manifest space. Public city space as a stage. Typology of performing events in the public urban area. Modern architecture as a scene setting and as a stage text. Modern stage
technologies applied in the design of architecture and the city. Lectures, workshops, practical work.