Subject: Server side web technologies (17 - SIT051)

Basic Information

Scientific or art field:Applied Computer Science and Informatics
Native organizations units

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Course specification

Course is active from 20.07.2017..

Make students capable of implementation of server side of multi-tier klient/server application
Make students capable of development the server side of the multi-tier client/server system. The student is competent to implement multi-tier, distributed software systems based on distributed object technologies, REST principles, and well-known programming frameworks.
Multi-tier architecture. Access to database from server-tier; management of connections. Directory services and finding facilities. Technologies of distributed objects. Life cycle of distributed objects. Management of shared resources in a distributed environment. Distributed transactions. Object-relational mapping. Design patterns in the environment of distributed objects. REST principles.
Teaching methods include: Lectures, computer practice, homework assignments, and consultations. During the lectures the content of the course is presented using the necessary didactic tools while student active participation is encouraged. The practical aspect of the course is covered at computer practice classes through assignments which students do independently or with the help of teaching assistants as well as through homework obligatory assignments. A student is expected to demonstrate the ability of independent task solving or understanding of the solution.
Milosavljević, B., Vidaković, M.Java i Internet programiranje2007Fakultet tehničkih nauka, Novi SadSerbian language
Richards, M.Software Architecture Patterns2015O’Reilly Media, Inc.English
Eisele, M.Modern Java EE Design Patterns2016O ReillyEnglish
Richards, M.Microservices AntiPatterns and Pitfalls2016O ReillyEnglish
Course activity Pre-examination ObligationsNumber of points
Project defenceYesYes30.00
Oral part of the examNoYes50.00
Name and surnameForm of classes
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Ivanović Dragan
Full Professor

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Marković Marko
Associate Professor

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Ivanović Dragan
Full Professor

Computational classes
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Maksimović Veljko
Assistant - Master

Computational classes