Subject: Business Communication (12 - IM1023)

Basic Information

Scientific or art field:Production Systems, Organization and Management
Course specification

Course is active from 01.10.2013..

The objective of the course is to equip students with business communication skills through adopting informations about communication role, and its importance on business with the aim to establish adequate business climate through communicational activities in the internal and external surroundings.
Students will be able to engage in effective and ethical communication throughout the analysis and application of the basic principles of communication related to the purpose and context, cultural understanding, respect and accept others, the use of valid information, and sound arguments, as well as an adequate form of listening in order to achieve the goal communication and response in an effective way, in line with the purpose of non-verbal communication behaviors, select and organize the content of the message, which directly supports the purpose, achieve goals based on analysis of the characteristics, attitudes, interests and abilities of the audience.
Communication - challenges in the business environment; Importance of verbal and nonverbal communication and the importance of communication and feedback; Effective writing positive, routine, negative and persuasive messages, the preparation of formal and informal reports, letters, and accompanying letters, e-mails etc. Writing a CV, a motivation letter and cover letter; Interview preparation and interview process simulation; Ethics in business communication, understanding and appreciation of business code; Business etiquette, business correspondence, business vocabulary; Communication within the team; Communication with different types of personalities; Negotiation; Participation in meetings; Presentations and preparing for oral presentations; Modern ways of communication in the business world, virtual communication (teleconference); Networking. Communication through new communication channels; Cultural diversity in the business world.
Classes include lectures on the subject with examples. Work on exercises include: encouragement of teamwork, communication analyzes the problems and situations with different methods, computer simulation. Part of the exercise is carried out using laboratory equipment.
Lalić, D.Poslovno komuniciranje – e skripta2012FTN, Novi SadSerbian language
Carter, C.J.Keys to Business Communication2012Prentice HallEnglish
Quintanilla,.M., Wahl, S.T.Business and Professional Communication2011Sage PublicationEnglish
Cheesebro, O’Connor, RiosCommunication skills: Preparing for Career Success2010Pearson Education, Inc.English
Roebuck, D.Improving Business Communication Skills2010Pearson Education, Inc.English
Munter, M.M.Guide to Managerial Communication2012Prentice HallEnglish
Course activity Pre-examination ObligationsNumber of points
Exercise attendanceYesYes5.00
Written part of the exam - tasks and theoryNoYes70.00
Coloquium examYesNo20.00
Coloquium examYesNo20.00
Lecture attendanceYesYes5.00
Term paperYesYes20.00
Name and surnameForm of classes
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Lalić Danijela
Full Professor

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Spajić Jelena
Assistant Professor

Practical classes