Subject: Industrial Marketing (12 - IM1015)

Basic Information

Scientific or art field:Production Systems, Organization and Management
Course specification

Course is active from 01.10.2013..

Acquiring basic knowledge of paradigms, methods, techniques, strategies, work within the marketing function with focus on the specifics of the Industrial Marketing and developing the ability to create flexible ways to respond to changing business conditions.
Construction engineers "feel" for the market and the ability of the modern perception of the business environment in terms of marketing functions of the company in all its complexity.
1. Defining the marketing function; 2. Specificities and differences the Industrial Marketing and marketing of final consumption, 3 B2B marketing mix (4P vs 4C, 6P, 7P), 4. B2B promotional mix, creating promotional messages, 5M; 5. Analysis: PEST, SWOT and BCG matrix; 6. The life cycle of industrial products; 7. An industrial marketing and conflicts; 8.Specifičnosti B2B competition; 9. Product Strategy in an industrial marketing, 10. Ansoff's matrix, 11. The strategy of segmentation, differentiation and positioning, 12. Marketing strategy Life cycle of industrial products; Trends of industrial marketing.
Classes are held in a lecture and auditory exercises. Lectures presents theoretical foundations and principles of marketing, lectures are further accompanied by typical case studies. For auditory exercises are more elaborate theoretical concepts defined in the lectures through practical examples of interaction with students.
Nikolić, S. et al.Industrijski marketing: paradigme, dileme i perspektive (u pripremi za štampu)2013Fakultet tehničkih nauka u Novom SaduSerbian language
Morrris, MmH., Pitt, L,F., Honeycutt, Jr. E.D.Business-to-Business Marketing2001Sage Publications, LondonEnglish
Webster, F. E.Industrial Marketing Strategy1991JohnWiley & Sons, New YorkEnglish
Brassington, F., Pettitt, S.Principles of Marketing2006Financial Times ManagementEnglish
Course activity Pre-examination ObligationsNumber of points
Exercise attendanceYesYes5.00
Coloquium examYesNo10.00
Lecture attendanceYesYes5.00
Oral part of the examNoYes70.00
Name and surnameForm of classes
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Nikolić Slavka
Full Professor

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Ćelić Đorđe
Associate Professor

Practical classes
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Spajić Jelena
Assistant Professor

Practical classes