Subject: Telecommunication principles (17 - E137)

Basic Information

Scientific or art field:Telecommunications and Signal Processing
Course specification

Course is active from 12.02.2007..

Mastering the basic knowledge related to the methods of analysis and transmission of analog and digital signals.
Theoretical knowledge on analog and digital telecommunications, practice in the laboratory and introduction to the practical communication systems.
Systematization of telecommunication signals. Analysis of analog signals. Transmission of signals through linear systems. Analog modulations. Impulse modulations. Selection, quantification and encoding of analog signals; IKM. Analysis of statistic properties of digital signals. Processing digital signals: scrambling, linear and non-linear in-line coding. Transmission of digital signal in a basic frequency range (noise, inter-symbol interference, the probability of error), digital modulation. Synchronization. An overview of modern communication systems.
Lectures; Auditory Practice; Computer Practice; Laboratory Practice; Consultations.
Stojanović, I. S.Osnovi telekomunikacija1977Građevinska knjiga, BeogradSerbian language
Trpovski, Ž., Milošević, V., Temerinac, M.Osnovi telekomunikacija2002Delta pres, Novi SadSerbian language
Lukatela, G., i dr.Digitalne telekomunikacije1984Građevinska knjiga, BeogradSerbian language
Milošević, V., i dr.Digitalne telekomunikacije, skripta2005FTN u saradnji sa WUS Austria, Novi SadSerbian language
Milošević, V., Delić, V.Digitalne telekomunikacije1996Fakultet tehničkih nauka, Novi SadSerbian language
Course activity Pre-examination ObligationsNumber of points
Laboratory exercise defenceYesYes30.00
Written part of the exam - tasks and theoryNoYes70.00
Coloquium examNoNo40.00
Name and surnameForm of classes
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Kovačević Mladen
Associate Professor

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Simić Nikola
Asistent sa doktoratom

Practical classes
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Stanojev Vuk
Assistant - Master

Laboratory classes