Subject: Cloud Computing in power systems (12 - ESI004)

Basic Information

Scientific or art field:Electrical and Computer Engineering
Course specification

Course is active from 02.10.2012..

The aim of this course is to acquiring fundamental knowledge in the field of Cloud Computing in power systems.
The educational outcome is introducing students to the fundamental concepts of Clout Computing in power systems, with a special emphasis on the Smart Grid Systems.
Introduction to basic consepts of Cloud Computing, advantages and disadvantages in relation to other types of distributed systems; types of Cloud systems (public, community, hybrid, private), logical levels of Cloud services PaaS, IaaS, SaaS; key advantages of Cloud systems (unlimited resources, pay as you go) and key challenges ahead of this type of systems (privacy, security, availability, performance). Applications of Cloud Computing in power grid.
Teaching is conducted through lectures and laboratory excercises. The lectures have a theoretical focus with a number of characteristic examples enforcing easier understanding. The laboratory excercises are linked to the lectures with more practical exmaples, and the topics covered in lectures are further expanded. Students is required to complete practical tasks during laboratory excercises. Apart from lectures and laboratory excercises, consultations are held regularly.
Sriran KrishnanProgramming Windows Azure2010O Reilly MediaEnglish
Srđan VukmirovćCloud Computing u elektroenergetskim sistemima - skript u pripremi2010O Reilly MediaEnglish
Course activity Pre-examination ObligationsNumber of points
Theoretical part of the examNoYes30.00
Name and surnameForm of classes
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Vukmirović Srđan
Full Professor

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Popović Željko
Associate Professor

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Jović Monika
Assistant - Master

Laboratory classes
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Vojnović Nikola
Associate Professor

Laboratory classes
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Strezoski Luka
Associate Professor

Laboratory classes
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Isakov Nemanja
Assistant - Master

Laboratory classes