Subject: Intelligent Enterprising and Effective Management (12 - IM2101)

Basic Information

Scientific or art field:Production Systems, Organization and Management
Course specification

Course is active from 01.10.2013..

The goal of this course is to acquire basic knowledge about the intelligent enterprises and effective management, factors and bases for the development of business intelligence systems, as well as the application of knowledge, skills and experience to improve the process of problem solving and decision making on the basis of structured and unstructured data from all parts of the business systems.
Students will be able to fully understand the importance and role of knowledge, experience and skills in decision-making at all levels of the business system, to apply the procedures of intelligent business in solving practical problems, the ability to improve the acceptance of new knowledge and the possibility of their use in order to adapt to new changes in the environment and the company.
The concept of intelligent enterprise. The concept of effective management. A review of the changes in the process work development. The expected changes in the work processes and the economy - predictions. Economy - the basic technology of society. The main driving lever in the development of intelligent business process. Complexity, flexibility and business process management. The basic approach in the development process of the economy. Modern approaches in the development process of the economy. The main factors of effective intelligent business process development. Management for intelligent business processes. Business intelligence tools and applications to achieve the intelligent economy. Look into the future.
Lectures with examples of global standards in the development of intelligent business. Laboratory exercises. Analyses of examples for intelligent economy, development of practical examples and a essay related to solving practical problems.
Zelenović, D.Inteligentno privređivanje2011Univerzitet u Novom Sadu, Fakultet tehničkih naukaSerbian language
Thanuhuber, M.J.The Intelligent Enterprise2005Phisica-Verlag HeidelbergEnglish
Leibowitz, J.Strategic Intelligence2006Taylor & FrancisEnglish
Rodenberg, R.MCompetitive Intelligence2007EburonEnglish
Course activity Pre-examination ObligationsNumber of points
Exercise attendanceYesYes5.00
Coloquium examYesNo20.00
Coloquium examYesNo20.00
Lecture attendanceYesYes5.00
Term paperYesYes20.00
Theoretical part of the examNoYes70.00
Name and surnameForm of classes
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Maksimović Rado
Full Professor

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Tešić Zdravko
Full Professor

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Tasić Nemanja
Associate Professor

Practical classes
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Jovanović Miloš
Assistant Professor

Practical classes
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Tepić Goran
Assistant Professor

Practical classes