Subject: Neuroengineering (17 - BMI113)

Basic Information

Scientific or art field:Automatic Control and System Engineering
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Course specification

Course is active from 08.10.2012..

Students learn about modern technologies and development trends in the field of neuroengineering.
Introduction to engineering techniques used for better understanding the properties of nervous system. Options for improving the functionality of nervous system in the case of various pathologies. Introduction to techniques for solving the design problems at the interface of living neural tissue and machines. Mechanisms of sensory-motor system functioning. Sensory and motor disorders and possibilities of restoration and augmentation of human function via direct interactions between the nervous system and artificial devices (Brain Computer Interface – BCI and neural prostheses). The use of neural implants connected with external technology.
Introduction to Neuroengineering. Applying engineering techniques to analyse the properties of neural system. Applying engineering techniques to analyse the properties of neuromuscular system. Analysis in time and frequency domain. Electromyography (EMG), basic characteristics of EMG signal. Electroneurography (ENG), basic characteristics of ENG signal. Nerve conduction velocity measurement. Basic characteristics of EEG signal. Clinical electroencefalography. Evoked potentials, methods for processing evoked potentials. Nervous system modelling methods. Brain mapping methods. Transcranial magnetic stimulation. Brain Computer Interface (BCI) technology. Control interface and biofeedback.
Lectures. Computer practice. Laboratory practice. Consultations.
Dejan Popović, Mirjana PopovićBiomedicinska merenja i instrumentacija2010Akademska misao, BeogradSerbian language
Guido Dornhege, José del R. Millán, Thilo Hinterberger, Dennis J. McFarland, Klaus-Robert MüllerToward Brain-Computer Interfacing2007The MIT Press Cambridge, MassachusettsEnglish
DiLorenzo, D.J., Bronzino, J.D.Neuroengineering2008CRC Press, Taylor & Francis GroupEnglish
Čapko, D., Vukmirović, S., Bojanić, D.Odabrana poglavlja iz modeliranja i simulacije sistema u Matlab-u2016Fakultet tehničkih nauka, Novi SadSerbian language
Michael C. K. KhooPhisiological control systems2000A JOHNWILEY & SONS, INC.,PUBLICATIONEnglish
Selim S. HacısalihzadeBiomedical Applications of Control Engineering2013SpringerEnglish
Milić, Lj., Dobrosavljević, Z.Uvod u digitalnu obradu signala1999Elektrotehnički fakultet, BeogradSerbian language
Popović, M., Mojsilović, A.,Digitalna obrada signala - Računarske vežbe i simulacije u MATLAB-u1996Nauka, BeogradSerbian language
Course activity Pre-examination ObligationsNumber of points
Computer excersise defenceYesYes20.00
Theoretical part of the examNoYes30.00
Name and surnameForm of classes
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Mejić Luka
Assistant Professor

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Ilinčić Branislava
Assistant Professor

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Gašparić Filip
Assistant - Master

Laboratory classes
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Tomašević Olivera
Assistant - Master

Laboratory classes
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Živanović Nikolina
Teaching Associate

Laboratory classes