Subject: Urban Public Transport (06 - S0436)

Basic Information

Scientific or art field:Transport System Technologies
Native organizations units

Department of Traffic Engineering
Course specification

Course is active from 01.10.2007..

Mastering theoretical and practical knowledge related to urban passenger transport, mobility, travelling characteristics, and the quality of transport service.
Enabling students for individual work in order to practically define the generator of transport demands, the quality normative for transport service, and the elaboration of technical documentation related to urban passenger transport.
Introduction. Generators of population mobility. Potential mobility and limitations. Methods for researching the travelling properties. Defining quality properties for transport services. Organizational service support. Service usability. Service availability. Service stability. Production ability of the system. Reliability of technical exploitation. Forecasting transport demands. Generating travel by zones. Spatial distribution of travelling. Mode classification of travelling. Evaluation methods and modes in subsystem selection. Demands of behaviouristic factors in transport service quality according to public transport system quality.
Lectures, auditory, computer and graphical – numerical practice and consultations.
R. BankovićOrganizacija i tehnologija javnog gradskog putničkog prevoza1994Saobraćajni fakultet BeogradSerbian language
Vukan VučićTransportation for livable cities1999The State University of New JerseyEnglish
Pavle GladovićTarifna politika u javnom gradskom putničkom prevozu1995Izdavačko preduzeće PC Program d.o.o. BeogradSerbian language
Vukan R. VučićJavni gradski prevoz, Sistemi i tehnika1987IRO Naučna knjiga, BeogradSerbian language
Course activity Pre-examination ObligationsNumber of points
Exercise attendanceYesYes4.00
Laboratory exercise attendanceYesYes4.00
Lecture attendanceYesYes2.00
Term paperYesYes20.00
Oral part of the examNoYes40.00
Practical part of the exam - tasksNoYes30.00
Name and surnameForm of classes
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Simeunović Milan
Full Professor

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Pitka Pavle
Associate Professor

Practical classes
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Savković Tatjana
Assistant Professor

Laboratory classes