Subject: Telecommunication electronics (12 - EM411A)

Basic Information

Scientific or art field:Electronics
Course specification

Course is active from 13.10.2008..

Precondition courses

Course idMandatoryMandatory
Computer aided design of analogue integrated circuitsYesYes
To gain the basic knowledge in telecommunication electronics design. To get knowledge and ability to combine theory and simulation skills while designing telecommunication circuits. To become aware of the difference between the telecommunication electronics circuits realized as integrated circuit or as with discrete components.
-to gain knowledge about the basic telecommunication electronics circuits performance parameters and problems -to acquire ability to recognize the basic transceiver topologies - to gain knowledge about simulation of the basic RF circuits (matching circuits, selective amplifers,LNA, mixers, oscillators,...). - to gain knowledge about various technique that can be used to improve perdormance of some telecommunication circuits (LNA; narrow bandwidth amplifier, wide bandwidth amplifier, mixer, oscillator,...)
The history of radio communication. Electromagnetic sprectrum and allocation. Basic issues in RF circuits.Modulation/demodulation. RF transmitter and receiver (basics).Intereference and filtering. Nonlinearity issues.Noise issues.Sensitivity and dynamic range. Impedance transformation.Passive RLC circuits (Q, BW, ...). Maximum power transfer. Matching circuits ( L-match, pi-match, t-match, tapped capacitor resonator, tapped inductor resonator, double-tapped resonator ). Transceiver Architectures. Receiver topologies( Regenerative receiver, Super-heterodyne, Dual super-heterodyne, Direct-conversion, Low-IF ,Digital-IF,Impulse radio). Transmitter topologies (Direct conversion transmitter, Two-step transmitter, Direct modulation transmitter,Impulse radio transmitter). Passive devices and networks (Inductors, Transformers, Varactors,Signal Pads) Wiring (On-chip interconects, Off-chip wiring, Ground connections). BW estimation, HF broadband and NB amplifiers. Noise parameters, noise sources in MOSFET. Design of narrowband LNA (techniques and procedure) . Design of broad-band LNA (techniques). Mixers (Image Aliasing, Feedthrough effects, Noise (SSB vs. DSB NF), Noise folding,Nonlinearity). Single vs. Double-Balanced Mixer Implementation. Gilbert Mixer (advantages, noise, linearity, improvements ). Other mixer topologies (Square-Law Mixer, Passive Mixers). Oscillators (Colpitts, Hartley,..). Oscillator phase noise. System Integration Aspects (SoC, SiP,Substrate noise, Packages for RF, Pads for RF).
Lectures; Exercises; EDA tools laboratory exercises; Consultations.
B. RazaviRF Microelectronics1998Prentice-HallEnglish
David M. PozarMicrowave and RF Design of Wireless Systems2001Wiley & SonsEnglish
T. H. LeeThe Design of CMOS Radio-Frequency Integrated Circuits1998Cambridge University PressEnglish
Course activity Pre-examination ObligationsNumber of points
Lecture attendanceYesYes5.00
Computer exercise attendanceYesYes5.00
Theoretical part of the examNoYes30.00
Practical part of the exam - tasksNoYes40.00
Name and surnameForm of classes
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Radić Jelena
Associate Professor

Practical classes
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Radić Jelena
Associate Professor

Laboratory classes
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Blaž Nelu
Professional Associate-Laboratory

Laboratory classes organizing - Laboratory personnel