Subject:  Interactive Engineering Graphics (17 - IA013)

Basic Information

Scientific or art field:Design
Course specification

Course is active from 01.10.2010..

Introducing students to the principles of Interactive engineering graphics and enabling student for independent development of applications.
To apply acquired knowledge in the field of interactive engineering graphics and development of applications by the use of VTK and OpenGL libraries in further education as well as in the future professional work.
Introduction to the interactive engineering graphics. Introduction to the VTK (Visualization ToolKit) object oriented library for the 3D graphic. Basic classes for scene identification (vtkRenderWindow, vtkRenderer, vtkActor, vtkLights, vtkCamera, vtkMapper) by application of VTK library. Dataset types in VTK library. Scalar field visualization on terrain example. Scalar field visualization on CT series of images example by usage of vtkContourFilter class. Generated models export in STL file format. Import of OBJ and STL models by VTK library. Vector field visualization by vtkHedgeHog, vtkGlyph3D and vtkStreamTracer classes. Charts in VTK library – vtkChartXY class.Forces which influence a body movement, gravitational force, viscous force, wind force, Magnus force and spring force. Numerical integration of movement equations, explicit, implicit and semi-implicit methods. Euler, RK2 and RK4 numerical integration. Contact detection between objects. Sphere-plane and sphere-sphere contact. Impulse computation generated by contact if body is treated as material point and rigid body. Simulation of rope which is approximated by spring elements. PHANToM Omni haptic device.GLSL (OpenGL Shading Language) introduction. Vertex, geometry and fragment shaders principles. VBO (Vertex Buffer Objects), VAO (Vertex Array Objects), EBO (Element Buffer Objects). Lightning calculation per vertex (Gouraud), per fragment (Phong) and cartoon shading. FBO (Frame Buffer Object) and its application in rendering on multiple targets in one shader pass. GPGPU (General Purpose GPU) principle for calculation of common purpose on GPU. Numerical integration of large number of particles movement by use of textures and buffers on GPU.
Lectures, Computer Practice and Consultations.
Schroeder, W., Martin, K., Lorensen, B.Visualization Toolkit – An Object Oriented Approach to 3D Graphics, The third edition2002Kitware IncEnglish
Angel, E.Interactive computer graphics : a top-down approach with OpenGL2003Addison-WesleyEnglish
Angel, E.OpenGL: A Primer2002Addison-Wesley, BostonEnglish
Foley, J.D. et al.Computer Graphics: Principles and Practice1996Addison-Wesley, New YorkEnglish
Milićev, D.Objektno orijentisano programiranje na jeziku C++1999Mikro knjiga, BeogradSerbian language
SensAble Technologies, Inc.OpenHaptics toolkit version 3.0 – Programmers- Guide2008SensAble Technologies, Inc.English
Bailey, M., Cunningham, S.Graphics Shaders : Theory and Practice2012CRC Press, Boca RatonEnglish
Course activity Pre-examination ObligationsNumber of points
Project taskYesYes30.00
Written part of the exam - tasks and theoryNoYes30.00
Lecture attendanceYesYes5.00
Computer exercise attendanceYesYes5.00
Name and surnameForm of classes
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Krstanović Lidija
Associate Professor

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Paunović Aleksa
Assistant - Master

Computational classes
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Živaljević Marija
Assistant - Master

Computational classes
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Bobić Aleksandra
Assistant - Master

Computational classes