CEEPUS is an acronym for "Central European Exchange Program for University Studies". CEEPUS is based on lean management. The highest ranking decision making CEEPUS body is the Joint Committee of Ministers that meets once a year and takes all strategic decisions. Coordination, evaluation, program development and advertising are the main tasks of the Central CEEPUS Office (consisting of only two persons). Each country has a National CEEPUS Office in charge of national implementation. In order to avoid setting up new administrative bodies, the National CEEPUS Offices are integrated into already existing structures, usually national agencies.

The main activity of CEEPUS are university networks operating joint programs ideally leading to Joint Degrees, esp. Joint Doctoral Programs. CEEPUS covers mobility grants for students and teachers in this framework.

The main objectives are:
* Focus on joint PhD programs.
* Promote cooperation in the framework of the EUSDR.

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Renewable energy sources09.11.2023.20231109
ADVANCES IN MACHINING: Education and Manufacturing Challenges in Industry 4.0 Environment- part 209.11.2023.20231109
Applied Economics and Management09.11.2023.20231109
From preparation to Development, implementation and utilization of Joint Programs in study area of Production Engineering09.11.2023.20231109
Training and research in environmental chemistry and toxicology09.11.2023.20231109
Architecture Landscape Interiors Culture Emotions (A.L.I.C.E.)09.11.2023.20231109
Chemistry and Chemical Engineering09.11.2023.20231109
Greening Project Management for a Sustainable World: Developing and Empowering a New Generation of Changemakers09.11.2023.20231109
Metrology, quality and environmental aspects in Industry
Application of CAx technologies in smart production as a significant basis for the development of Industry 4.0 in small and medium-sized enterprises - connection between industry and higher education institutions through lifelong learning09.11.2023.20231109
Research and Development of New Technologies for Innovative Services in Sustainable Logistics
Interdisciplinary approach for enhancing knowledge in supply chain analytics (SCAN)09.11.2023.20231109
Multidisciplinary Approach to Education and Research in the Field of Digital Media Production09.11.2023.20231109
Building Knowledge and Experience Exchange in CFD09.11.2023.20231109
Fostering sustainable partnership between academia and industry in improving applicability of logistics thinking (FINALIST)09.11.2023.20231109
Research and Education in the Field of Graphic Engineering and Design09.11.2023.20231109
Research, Development and Education in Precision Machining09.11.2023.20231109
Technical Characteristics Researching of Modern Products in Machine Industry with the Purpose of Improvement Their Market Characteristics and Better Placement on the Market09.11.2023.20231109
Intelligent Automation for Competitive Advantage07.11.2023.20231107
Implementation and utilization of e-learning systems in study area of Production Engineering in Central European Region04.07.2024.20240704
Teaching and Research of Environment-oriented Technologies in Manufacturing07.11.2023.20231107
Internet of Things and Teleinformatics – ITT network07.11.2023.20231107
Teaching and research in advanced manufacturing07.11.2023.20231107
Engineering as Communication Language in Europe07.11.2023.20231107
Development of Mechanical Engineering07.11.2023.20231107
Active Methods in Teaching and Learning Mathematics, Informatics and their Applications07.11.2023.20231107
Research and Education of Environmental Risks07.11.2023.20231107
Concurrent Product and Technology Development - Teaching, Research and Implementation of Joint Programs Oriented in Production and Industrial Engineering07.11.2023.20231107
ABCD Network = Architecture, Built Environment, City Planning and Design Network06.11.2023.20231106
Development of Computational Thinking06.11.2023.20231106
Modelling, Simulation and Computer-aided Design in Engineering and Management06.11.2023.20231106
Computer Aided Design of automated systems for assembling06.11.2023.20231106
Modern Trends in Education and Research on Mechanical Systems - Bridging Reliability, Quality and Tribology06.11.2023.20231106
New teaching technologies and new applications in modernization of teaching at the Faculties of Technical Sciences in connection with the needs of small and medium enterprises in the environment06.11.2023.20231106
Applications and diagnostics of electric plasmas06.11.2023.20231106
Image Processing, Information Engineering & Interdisciplinary Knowledge06.11.2023.20231106