Subject: Software Development Tools
(17 -
SIT036) Basic Information
Course specification
Course is active from 01.10.2010.. Studying modern software tools for rapid software development and software quality increase. Studying the most common software development environments. Studying version control systems. Studying team collaboration tools. Studying software documenting tools. Studying software testing tools. Studying software tools for automating software build processes. Studying tools for continual integration. Software modeling tools: PowerDesigner, ArgUML, StarUML / IDEs: Eclipse, IPython, PyCharm, VisualStudio / reporting tools: IReport, CrystalReport / cersion control systems: SVN, TFVC, GIT, Mercurial / team collaboration tools: Mantis, Wiki, Trac / documentation generation tools: Javadoc, Sphinx, NDoc / testing tools: JUnit, PyUnit, NUnit / tools for automating software build processes: Ant, Maven, MSBuild / tools for continuous integration of software: Continuum, CruiseControl / final task imeplementation. Teaching methods include: Lectures, laboratory practice, homework assignments, and consultations. During the lectures the content of the course is presented using the necessary didactic tools while student active participation is encouraged. The practical aspect of the course is covered at laboratory practice classes through assignments which students do independently or with the help of teaching assistants as well as through homework assignments (obligatory or optional). A student is expected to demonstrate the ability of independent task solving or understanding of the solution. The evaluation is in the form of oral conversation with the teaching assistant. The course lecturer and assistants have consultations with the students. During the consultations the students are given additional explanations of the material covered at the lecture and practice classes, and in the case of consultations relating to independent work on laboratory or homework tasks, the suggestions are given on ho