Subject: Scene Architecture 3 (12 - ASO24)

Basic Information

Scientific or art field:Scenska erhitektura, tehnika i dizajn
Course specification

Course is active from 01.10.2013..

Development of students' creative thinking in the field of scene architecture. Articulation and development of ideas, concepts and usage of ephemeral architecture means leading to design and creation of space in arts.
Acquired abilities for understanding, analyzing, comparing and evaluating spaces in arts; acquired ability for applying adequate architectural means in creation of specific spatial categories; realization of individual and/or team appropriately complex project from domain of scene architecture.
The term of Ephemeral architecture, terminology, relations to other disciplines. Typology of ephemeral architecture buildings, characteristics, purposes and divisions. Ephemeral architecture in promotion of art, information and education. Ephemeral architecture as a carrier of national architectural production presentation. Architecture and development of World Fairs. New functions of historical buildings of spectacle. Functions of ephemeral architecture in creation of space in art. Spatial transformations aiming towards placement of artistic vision. Liminal space, terminology, relations with arts and philosophy - introduction. Ephemeral architecture in creation of liminal space in art - introduction. Comparative analysis and typology of liminal spaces in art.
Lectures; exercises; team work; individual work; workshops; consultations; final exam.
Dinulović, R.Arhitektura pozorišta XX veka2009Klio, BeogradSerbian language
Le KorbizijeKa pravoj arhitekturi1999Građevinska knjiga, BeogradSerbian language
Milićević, O.Prostor - dramsko lice1980Sterijino pozorje, Novi SadSerbian language
Misailović, M.Dramaturgija scenskog prostora1988Sterijino pozorje - Dnevnik, Novi SadSerbian language
Norberg-Šulc, K.Egzistencija, prostor i arhitektura1999Građevinska knjiga, BeogradSerbian language
Hočevar, M.Prostori igre2003Jugoslovensko dramsko pozorište, BeogradSerbian language
Bonnemaison, Sarah; Eisenbach, RonitInstallations by architects: experiments in building and design2009Princeton architectural press, New YorkEnglish
Chappell, BrianEphemeral architecture - towards a definition2006elektronsko izdanjeEnglish
Christian SchittichIn Detail Small Structures2010Birhkäuser, BaselEnglish
Jodidio PhilipTen Years Serpentine Gallery2011Taschen; Mul edition, KölnEnglish
Kronenburg, RobertFlexible: Architecture that Responds to Change2007Laurence King Publishing, LondonEnglish
Rockwell, David; Mau, BruceSpectacle2006Phaidon Press, New YorkEnglish
Course activity Pre-examination ObligationsNumber of points
Exercise attendanceYesYes5.00
Project defenceYesYes40.00
Lecture attendanceYesYes5.00
Name and surnameForm of classes
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Zeković Miljana
Full Professor

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Žugić Višnja
Associate Professor

Practical classes