Subject: Scene Architecture 2 (12 - ASO18)

Basic Information

Scientific or art field:Scenska erhitektura, tehnika i dizajn
Course specification

Course is active from 01.10.2013..

Main task of this course is to enable thorough comprehension of possible approaches in conceiving and usage of alternative theatre spaces, including here also a complex typology of reutilised non-theatrical buildings and environments. This will be achieved through research and understanding of theatre spaces outside of conventional performance spaces.
Acquired ability of understanding the state of play in the field of scene design, technique and technology of performance space, understanding the means of spectacle and their development through time, with stress on students' acquired ability to practically apply different procedures of theoretical and critical interpretation of theatre architecture, scene design and technique phenomena. Clearly formed individual attitudes and ability of their presentation, argumentation and verbal challenging are expected from students at the end of this course.
Modern movements and "decomposition of performance space". Types and models of performance space (stage and auditorium) configurations. Formal and problem-oriented typologies. Abandonment of the theatre building. Environmental theatre and theatre plays in different physical environments. Adaptations and transformations of non-theatre spaces. Ephemeral and eternal reutilisations. Theatre in the city's public space.
Lectures, exercises, workshops and individual students' works.
Dinulović, R.Arhitektura pozorišta HH veka2009Klio, BeogradSerbian language
Dinulović, R.Tipologije pozorišnog prostora2006Zbornik FDU, BeogradSerbian language
Šekner, R.Ka postmodernom pozorištu1982FDU, BeogradSerbian language
Novak, S. P.Planeta Držić1984Cekade, ZagrebCroatian
Dragićević Šešić, M.; Šentevska, I.Urbani spektakl2000Klio, BeohgradSerbian language
Šentevska, I.Spektakl – Grad – Identitet1998Justat, BeogradSerbian language
Dinulović, R.; Brkić, A.Teatar – Politika – Grad2007Justat, BeogradSerbian language
Course activity Pre-examination ObligationsNumber of points
Complex exercisesYesYes70.00
Oral part of the examNoYes30.00
Name and surnameForm of classes
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Dinulović Radivoje
Redovni profesor iz polja umetnosti

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Žugić Višnja
Associate Professor

Practical classes