Subject: Hydraulics 2 (17 - GH531)

Basic Information

Scientific or art field:Hydrotechnics
Native organizations units

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Course specification

Course is active from 06.11.2017..

Theoretical and practical consideration of the unsteady flow in different media with the purpose of practical application.
Acquired knowledge is used in professional courses, as well as in the recognition and in solving the engineering problems.
Fundamentals of Fluid Mechanics. Navier-Stokes and Reynolds equation. One-dimensional unsteady flow in open channels. Principles of numerical solution. Application of various numerical methods and schemes to solve St. Venant equations. Application of internal and external boundary conditions with regard to the practical use. Transient flow. Model stiff and elastic shock. Methods characteristics as the basic model for solving the water hammer equations. Analysis of various types of boundary conditions in terms of practical applications. Analysis and application of a software package for modeling of the water hammer process. Unsteady flow in porous media. Solving the Laplace and Poisson equations by using the principles of numerical solution. Application software package for 3D modeling of flow in porous media.
Teaching is performed interactively in the form of lectures, auditory, laboratory and computer practice. At lectures, theoretical part of the course content is presented, followed by the characteristic examples for easier understanding of the course content. At auditory practice, characteristic exercises are solved and the course content is explained in more detail. At laboratory practice, acquired knowledge is practically applied on the available laboratory equipment. Apart from lectures and practice, consultations are regular. A part of the course content that makes a logical unit can be taken during the teaching process in the form of partial examinations. Partial examinations are taken in written form and as tests. Examination grade is made on the basis of: lecture and practice (auditory, laboratory and computer) attendance, partial examination grade and written examination grade (combined exercises and theory).
Hajdin, G.Mehanika fluida. Knj.2, Uvođenje u hidrauliku2002Građevinski fakultet, BeogradSerbian language
Spasojević MiodragNUMERIČKA HIDRAULIKA - OTVORENI TOKOVI -1996Serbian language
Ivetić MarkoRačunska hidraulika - Otvoreni tokovi2000Serbian language
Ivetić MarkoRačunska hidraulika - Tečenje u cevima1996Gradjevinski fakultet Univerziteta u BeograduSerbian language
Course activity Pre-examination ObligationsNumber of points
Computer excersise defenceYesYes25.00
Written part of the exam - tasks and theoryNoYes40.00
Lecture attendanceYesYes5.00
Theoretical part of the examNoYes30.00
Name and surnameForm of classes
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Budinski Ljubomir
Full Professor

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Stipić Danilo
Asistent sa doktoratom

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Stipić Danilo
Asistent sa doktoratom

Practical classes
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Stipić Danilo
Asistent sa doktoratom

Laboratory classes