Prof. Dušan Šormaz

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Dušan Šormaz

Guest Professor

Telephone1 740 593 1545
Academic titleGuest Professor
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Bachelor's thesis

Mechanical Engineering

Faculty of Technical Sciences


Razvoj postupaka uravnoteženja procesa rada u uslovima primene postupaka grupisanja i autonomnih radnih struktura

Magister thesis

Industrial Engineering and Management

Faculty of Technical Sciences


Developed a prototype system for process planning using object-oriented data base

Magister thesis

Electrical and Computer Engineering

University of Southern California


Knowledge-based integrative process planning system using feature reasoning and cost-based optimization

PhD thesis

Industrial Engineering and Management

University of Southern California


Criterium of productionDescription
() Monographic study/chapter in M12 or research in the thematic collection of the international importanceSormaz DN, Arumugam J, Ganduri C, 2007, Integration of rule-based process selection with virtual machining for distributed manufacturing planning, Process Planning and Scheduling for Distributed Manufacturing, 61-90
() Research published in the prominent international journalZelenovic D, Sormaz D, 1990, The methodology for design of effective computer-integrated manufacturing systems, Robotics & Computer Integrated Manufacturing, 7(3/4) 279-90
() Research published in the prominent international journalZelenovic D, Cosic I, Sormaz D, Sisarica Z, 1987, An approach to the design of more effective production systems, International Journal of Production Research, 25(1), 3-15
() Research published in the international journalSormaz D, Khoshnevis B, 1997, Process planning knowledge representation using an object-oriented data model, International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing, 10(1-4), 92-104
() Invited lectures from the international meeting printed in its entiretySormaz D, Integrative modeling and planning of design and manufacturing for mass customization product development, Proceedings of 5th International Workshop on Advanced Manufacturing Technologies, London, ON, May 16-18, 2005, p. 63-70
() Report from the international meeting printed in its entiretyNešić S, Li H, Huang J, Sormaz D, 2009, An open source mechanistic model for CO2/H2S Corrosion of carbon steel, CORROSION 2009, March 22 - 26, 2009 , Atlanta, GA
() Report from the international meeting printed in its entiretyKhajotia B, Sormaz B, Nesic S, 2007, Case-based reasoning model of co2 corrosion based on field data, CORROSION 2007, March 11 - 15, 2007 , Nashville, Tennessee
() Report from the international meeting printed in its entiretyKhurana P, Sormaz D, Khetan R, 2006, Integration of CAD, CAPP and process modeling using XML technologies, ASME 2006 International Manufacturing Science and Engineering Conference (MSEC2006) , October 8–11, 2006 , Ypsilanti, Michigan, USA
() Report from the international meeting printed in its entiretySormaz D, 2006, Agent-based process sequencing using search algorithms, ASME 2006 International Manufacturing Science and Engineering Conference (MSEC2006) , October 8–11, 2006 , Ypsilanti, Michigan, USA
() Report from the international meeting printed in its entiretySormaz D, Khurana P, Wadatkar A, 2005, Rule-based process selection of hole making operations for integrated process planning, ASME 2005 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference (IDETC/CIE2005), September 24–28, 2005 , Long Beach, California, USA
() Report from the international meeting printed in its entiretySormaz D, Arumugam J, 2005, Generation of alternative feature representations and feature precedence relations for feature-based process planning, ASME 2005 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference (IDETC/CIE2005), September 24–28, 2005 , Long Beach, California, USA
() Monograph of the national importance, monographic edition,Zelenovic D, Cosic I, Radakovic N, Sormaz D, Maksimovic R, 1986, Prilog uproscavanju tokova materijala u masinskoj industriji, Univerzitet u Novom Sadu, Fakultet Tehnickih Nauka, Novi Sad
() Research published in the top international journalSormaz, D., Arumugam, J., Harihara, R., Patel, C., Neerukonda N.: (2010). Integration of Product Design, Process Planning, Scheduling and FMS Control using XML Data Representation. Robotics and Computer Integrated Manufacturing.
() Research published in the top international journalSormaz, D., Sarkar, A. (2018). SIMPM–Upper-level ontology for manufacturing process plan network generation. Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing; 17.
() Defended Magister thesisRazvoj postupaka uravnotezenja procesa rada u uslovima primene postupaka grupisanja i autonomnih radnih struktura
() Research published in the top international journalŠormaz DN, Arumugam J, Harihara RS, Patel C, Neerukonda N, 2010, Integration of product design, process planning, scheduling, and FMS control using XML data representation, Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing 26 (6), 583-595
() Research published in the prominent international journalŠormaz DN, Rajaraman SN, 2008, Problem space search algorithm for manufacturing cell formation with alternative process plans, International Journal of Production Research 46 (2), 345-369
() Research published in the prominent international journalSormaz DN, Arumugam J, Rajaraman S, 2004, Integrative process plan model and representation for intelligent distributed manufacturing planning, International Journal of Production Research, Vol. 42, No. 17, p. 3397 - 3417.
() Research published in the prominent international journalKoonce D, Judd R, Sormaz D, Masel DT, 2003, A hierarchical cost estimation tool, Computers in Industry 50 (3), 293-302
() Research published in the prominent international journalSormaz DN, Khoshnevis B, 2003, Generation of alternative process plans in integrated manufacturing systems, Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing 14 (6), 509-526
() Research published in the prominent international journalSormaz, D., Patel, C. 2016,: Development and Evaluation of Feature-focused Routing Policy. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology.
() Research published in the international journalŠormaz DN, Tennety C, 2010, Recognition of interacting volumetric features using 2D hints, Assembly Automation 30 (2), 131-141
() Research published in the international journalSormaz DN, Pisipati DV, Borse PA, 2006, Virtual manufacturing of milling operations with multiple tool paths, International journal of manufacturing technology and management 9 (3), 237-264
() Research published in the international journalSormaz DN, Khoshnevis B, 2000, Modeling of manufacturing feature interactions for automated process planning, Journal of manufacturing systems, 19 (1), 28-45
() Defended Doctoral dissertationKnowledge-based Integrative Process Planning System using Feature Reasoning and Cost-based Optimization
TitleScientific areaHigher education institutionElection date
Guest ProfessorProduction Systems, Organization and ManagementUniversity of Novi Sad19.02.2009.