() Monographic study/chapter in M11 or research in the thematic collection of the leading international importance
Tibor Tot, Dragana Bogdanovic-Stojanovic,, Subgross Morphology Parameters in Breast Cancer and Their Prognostic and Predictive Power, Diagnostic and Therapeutic Applications of Breast Imaging, ISBN: 9780819487896, SPIE 2012, 542 pages
() Scientific monograph, thematic collection, lexicographical and cartographical publications editing of the international importance
Womens Imaging: MRI with multimodality correlation. Edited by MA Brown, H Ojeda-Fournier, D Djilas, M El-Azzazi, RC Semelka. ISBN 978-1-118-48284-1, New Jersey Wiley-Blackwell, 2014.
() Research published in the top international journal
Bogdanović-Stojanović D, Kozić D, Bjelan M. Migration of the ventriculoperitoneal shunt presenting as a breast lump. Pol Arch Med Wewn.2013;123(11):645. Epub 2013 Nov 29. PubMed PMID: 24296666.
() Research published in the top international journal
F.Sardanelli, H..A..Álvarez, E. Azavedo, H.J.Baarslag, C.Balleyguier, P.A. Baltzer, V.Beslagic, U.Bick, D.Bogdanovic-Stojanovic et al Position paper on screening for breast cancer by the European Society of Breast Imaging (EUSOBI) and 30 national breast radiology bodies from Austria, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Israel, Lithuania, Moldova, The Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and Turkey, European Radiology July 2017, Volume 27, Issue 7, pp 2737–2743
() Research published in the international journal
Ostojic J, Kozic D, Lucic M, Konstantinovic J, Covickovic-Sternic N, Pavlovic A, Bogdanovic-Stojanovic D, Semnic R Multivoxel MRS: right frontal parafalcine cortex - area of neurobiochemical gender differentiation?. Neuro Endocrinol Lett. 2011 Sep 3;32(5):683-687
() Research published in the international journal
Ostojic J, Kozic D, Lucic M, Konstantinovic J, Covickovic-Sternic N, Pavlovic A, Bogdanovic-Stojanovic D, Semnic R Multivoxel MRS: right frontal parafalcine cortex - area of neurobiochemical gender differentiation?. Neuro Endocrinol Lett. 2011 Sep 3;32(5):683-687
() Research published in the international journal
Vucaj Cirilovic V, Dobrosavljev M, Niciforovic D, Donat D, Bogdanovic-Stojanovic D, Jukovic M. Dirofilariasis of the breast: Sonographic appearance. J Clin Ultrasound. 2014 Feb 25. doi: 10.1002/jcu.22139. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 24615752.
() Research published in the international journal
Breast MRI: intraindividual comparative study at 1.5 and 3.0T; initial experience. Djilas-Ivanovic DD, Prvulovic NP, Bogdanovic-Stojanovic DD, Ivkovic-Kapicl TV, Ivanovic VM, Golubovic A, Semelka RC. J BUON. 2012 Jan
() Research published in the international journal
Correlation of HER-2/neu protein overexpression with other prognostic and predictive factors in invasive ductal breast cancer. Ivkovic-Kapicl T, Knezevic-Usaj S, Djilas-Ivanovic D, Panjkovic M. In Vivo. 2007 Jul-Aug;21(4):673-8. Erratum in: In Vivo. 2007 Nov-Dec;21(6):1172. In Vivo. 2007 Sep-Oct;21(5):955.
() Research published in the international journal
Dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans of the breast: mammographic, ultrasound, MRI and MRS features. Djilas-Ivanovic D, Prvulovic N, Bogdanovic-Stojanovic D, Vicko F, Sveljo O, Ivkovic-Kapicl T. Arch Gynecol Obstet. 2009 Nov;280(5):827-30