Assoc. Prof. Borivoj Stepanov

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Borivoj Stepanov

Associate Professor

Academic titleAssociate Professor

*In short, married, two children ages 14 and 10, PhD holder, associate professor.

*A little bit longer version (just highlights of course):

*As a student: 1998 Internship @ Mechanical engineering – Aleppo , Syria, exchange of students through organisation IAESTE; 2000 Internship @ State Institute for Material Testing (Staatliche Material Pruefungs Anstalt, MPA), University of Stuttgart, Germany.

*2009 awarded DAAD scholarship for intensive language course – level C2, passed exam ZOP – Zentraleoberstufepruefung; Berlin Goethe institute

*1th SCI list paper (hopefully first of many ;) )
Stepanov, B., Pešenjanski, I., Spasojević, M., Scandinavian baffle boiler design revisited, Thermal Science, (2014), OnLine-First Issue 00, pp.: 70-70, doi:10.2298/TSCI130508070S

*20.09.2014. defended PhD thesis: Modelling of processes of flow, combustion and heat transfer in furnace freeboard of boiler fueled with wheat straw. In the thesis were studied possibilities of boiler improvement using stated modelling techniques and CFD tools

*1.09.2015.-1.03.2016. Erasmus Mundus Sigma Agile A2 scholarship holder for Post-doc stay at Lappeenranta University of Technology, Finland, Centre of Computational Engineering and Integrated Design

*Current Research focus: safety of solid fuel boilers and BLEVE (boiling liquid expanding vapor explosion). Topic originated from a engagement at court as an expert.

Result from this research:
2th first author SCI list paper
Stepanov, B., Spasojević, M., Vlaović, Ž., Babković, K., Doder, Đ., Rajs, V.: Safety issues in solid fuel heating installed in closed systems without heat dissipation devices. (Accepted on 12.7.2019. ThSci2017.187) (Thermodynamics; 35/60; IF 2018=1,541)

*With a team (Spasojević, M., Vlaović, Ž., Babković, K., Rajs, V.) built experimental facility for testing aspects of safety in the field of solid fired boilers. Heads experiments.

*1.02.2020. Associate professor

*Current: Work on development of application of solar energy

First result:
Feasibility study of solar power plant SolarCode

*Also interested very much in modeling and simulation, energy transition, concentrating solar power systems, application of neural networks in data analysis just to name a few…  

*Held guest lectures in Brasov Romania, Podgorica Montenegro and Lyon France. Taught  foreign students from Turkey, Spain and Greece.

*About hobbies: not too bad at chess, history fan, love travelling. Very good in English, pretty good in German, and good enough in Russian. Some basics in Finnish. A fan of French.

Full Professor
PositionFromToOrganizational unit
Associate Professor01.02.2020.31.01.2025.Chair of Thermal Engineering
Assistant Professor01.02.2015.Chair of Thermal Engineering
Assistant with PhD20.09.2014.01.01.2015.Department of Energy and Process Engineering
Assistant - Magister14.06.2010.01.09.2014.Department of Energy and Process Engineering
Intern Assistant01.06.2003.01.06.2010.Department of Energy and Process Engineering
TitleIn institution
Kinetika pirolize sagorevanja slame

Bachelor's thesis

Mechanical Engineering

Faculty of Technical Sciences


Criterium of productionDescription
() Research published in the prominent international journalStepanov B., Spasojević M., Vlaović Ž., Babković K., Doder Đ., Rajs V.: SAFETY ISSUES IN SOLID FUEL HEATING INSTALLED IN CLOSED SYSTEMS WITHOUT HEAT DISSIPATION DEVICES, Thermal Science, 2019, ISSN 0354-9836
() Research published in the prominent international journalDoder Đ., Miljković B., Stepanov B., Pešenjanski I.: Adapting the Forchheimer equation for the flow of air through wheat straw beds, Thermal Science, 2016, ISSN 0354-9836
() Research published in the prominent international journalStepanov B., Pešenjanski I., Spasojević M.: Scandinavian Baffle Boiler Design Revisited, Thermal Science, 2015, Vol. 19, No 1, pp. 305-316, ISSN 0354-9836
() Research published in the prominent international journalStepanov B., Spasojević M., Vlaović Ž., Babković K., Doder Đ., Rajs V.: Safety issues in solid fuel heating installed in closed systems without heat dissipation devices, Thermal Science, 2019, ISSN 0354-9836
() Report from the international meeting printed in its entirety***Stepanov B., Spasojević M., Anđelković A., Doder Đ., Vlaović Ž.: Safety issues in solid fuel heating practice in Serbia- <u>Nije povezan skup</u><font style="color:#cc0000;">**greska**</font>
() Report from the international meeting printed in its entirety***Vlaović Ž., Stepanov B.: Analysis of the safety valve operation under overheating conditions in closed heating systems - <u>Nije povezan skup</u><font style="color:#cc0000;">**greska**</font>
() Report from the international meeting printed in its entiretyDoder Đ., Stepanov B.: Investigation of air pressure drop through porous wheat straw bed, 7. PSU-UNS International Conference on Engineering and Technology - ICET, Phuket, 19-20 Jun, 2015
() Report from the international meeting printed in its entiretyDr Pešenjanski, I., Dr Perunović, P., Stepanov, B., Nadaški, M., Trajanovski, G.: ANALYSIS OF EFFECTS OF FREQUENT REGULATION USE IN HOT-WATER BOILER 9.3 MW OPERATION IN HEATING PLANT "JUG"-NOVI SAD, Power engineering, Maribor, Slovenia, 2002.
() Report from the international meeting printed in its entiretyMiljković, B., Stepanov, B., Pešenjanski, I.: Water production for industrial purposes by condensation of moisture from flue gases of hot water boilers fired with natural gas, Sixth International Symposium and Exhibition on Environmental Contamination in Central and Eastern Europe and the Commonwealth of Independent States , Prague, 2003.
() Report from the international meeting printed in its entiretyGobor Z., Konstantinovic M., Stepanov B.: Mathematical model of the heating process of drying air in dryer for medicinal herbs, Symposium of young scientist, Temisvar,
() Report from the international meeting printed in its entiretyMiljković, B., Stepanov, B., Pešenjanski, I.:One-dimensional Heterogeneous Mathematical Model for the Combustion of Straw, PSU – UNS International Conference on Engineering and Environment, 2007
() Report from the international meeting printed in its entiretyMartinov M., Konstantinović D., Gobor Z., Stepanov, B.: Biomass for household heating in rural areas, Energy efficiency and agricultural engineering, Russe, Bulgaria, 2004.
() Report from the international meeting printed in its entiretyMiljković, B., Stepanov, B., I. Pešenjanski, I.: Modeling and investigations of baled cereals straw combustion, Symposium of young scientist, Temisvar, Romania, 2004.
() Report from the international meeting printed in its entiretyMartinov M., Konstantinovic D., Gobor Z., Stepanov, B.: Renewable energy sources in agriculture and rural areas, Symposium of young scientist, Temisvar, Romania, 2004.
() Report from the international meeting printed in its entiretyPešenjanski, I., Stepanov, B., Miljković, B.: Kinetic reaction parameters of low-temperature wheat straw combustion, International Conference on Sustainable Agriculture and European Integration Processes, Novi Sad, 2004.
() Report from the international meeting printed in its entiretyPešenjanski, I., Stepanov, B., Miljković, B.: Kinetic reaction parameters of low-temperature wheat straw combustion, PSU – UNS International Conference on Engineering and Environment, Novi Sad, 18-20. Maj, 2005
() Report from the international meeting printed in extractsMartinov, M., Tešić, M., Stepanov, B.: Solid Biomass for Household Heating in Rural Areas – Case Study for a Village in Pannonian Region of Serbia and Montenegro, 9th International Congress on Mechanization and Energy in Agriculture, Sep. 27-29, 2005, Izmir – Turkey
() Report from the international meeting printed in extractsPešenjanski, I., Stepanov, B., Miljković, B.: Kinetic Reaction Parameters of Low-Temperature Wheat Straw Combustion, Energy Efficiency & Agricultural Engineering, Russe, Bulgaria, 2006.
() Research published in the leading journal of the national importanceRužić D., Stepanov B.: Estimation of heat flux caused by solar irradiation on a driver of passenger car using numerical simulation, Journal of Applied Engineering Science, 2013, Vol. 11, No 4, pp. 169-176, ISSN 1451-4117
() Research published in the leading journal of the national importancePešenjanski I., Stepanov B., Miljković B.: Kotlovi za "brzu proizvodnju pare" - pro et contra, Savremena poljoprivredna tehnika, 2010, Vol. 36, No 4, pp. 456-464, ISSN 0350-2953
() Research published in the scientific journal***Vlaović Ž., Stepanov B.: Analiza rada ventila sigurnosti u uslovima pregrevanja u zatvorenim sistemima centralnog grejanja- <u>Nije povezan časopis</u><font style="color:#cc0000;">**greska**</font>
() Report from the international meeting printed in its entiretyMiljković, B., Stepanov, B., Pešenjanski, I.: Ocena ekonomske opravdanosti upotrebe postrojenja na biomasu, Prva međunarodna konferencija Izazovi tranzicije 06, Novi Sad, 2006.
() Report from the international meeting printed in its entiretyMiljković, B., Stepanov, B., I. Pešenjanski, I.: Jednodimenzionalni model stacionarnog sagorevanja balirane slame, VIII međunarodna stručna konferencija MMA, Novi Sad,
() Report from the meeting of the national importance printed in its entiretyPešenjanski, I, Stepanov, B., Miljković, B.: Efekti ugradnje keramičkog stablizatora sagorevanja i turbulatora u kotao sa dve promaje, Skup termičara Srbije i Crne Gore, 2003
() Report from the meeting of the national importance printed in its entiretyPešenjanski, I, Stepanov, B., Miljković, B., Dvokomorno loženje za baliranu slamu, Klimatizacija, grejanje i hlađenje, Beograd, 2004.
() Report from the meeting of the national importance printed in its entiretyMartinov, M., Tešić, M., Konstantinović, D., Stepanov, B.:Perspektive u korišćenju biomase za grejanje domaćinstava u seoskim područjima, Savremena poljoprivredna tehnika, Vol. 31, No 4, p. 155-264, Novi Sad, januar 2005.
() Report from the meeting of the national importance printed in its entiretyPešenjanski, I., Stepanov, B.: Rezultati i ispitivanja kotla za sagorevanje biomase 250 kW i predlog tehničko-organizacionih mera za povećanje energetske efikasnosti postojećih kotlovskih postrojenja, Savremena poljoprivredna tehnika, Vol. 31, No 4, p. 155-264, Novi Sad, januar 2005.
TitleScientific areaHigher education institutionElection date
Full ProfessorTermotehnika, termoenergetika i upravljanje energijomUniversity of Novi Sad01.02.2025.
Associate ProfessorTermotehnika, termoenergetika i upravljanje energijomUniversity of Novi Sad01.02.2020.
Assistant ProfessorTermotehnika, termoenergetika i upravljanje energijomUniversity of Novi Sad01.02.2015.
AssistantThermal Energetics14.06.2013.
AssistantThermal Energetics and Thermotechnics14.06.2010.
LecturerThermal TechnicsFaculty of Technical Sciences02.07.2009.
Intern AssistantThermal Energetics and ThermotechnicsFaculty of Technical Sciences22.06.2007.
AssistantThermal Energetics and ThermotechnicsFaculty of Technical Sciences22.06.2007.
Intern AssistantThermal Energetics and ThermotechnicsFaculty of Technical Sciences01.06.2003.