Prof. Sonja Bunčić

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Sonja Bunčić

Full Professor

Academic titleFull Professor
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Full Professor
PositionFromToOrganizational unit
Full Professor24.09.2013.Chair of Production Systems, Organization and Management
Associate Professor24.09.2008.01.09.2013.Department of Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management
Assistant Professor01.10.2007.01.09.2008.Department of Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management
Assistant Professor01.12.2003.01.09.2007.Department of Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management
TitleIn institution

Bachelor's thesis

Legal Science

Faculty of Law



Magister thesis

Legal Science

Faculty of Law


Pravna priroda akcije

PhD thesis

Legal Science

Faculty of Law


Criterium of productionDescription
() Monographic study/chapter in M12 or research in the thematic collection of the international importanceStrengthening Western Balkan countries corporates competitiveness throught the right of establisment, Chapter 28 in Managing structural changes -trends and requirements,Faculty of Economics of the University of Coimbra, Coimbra, Portugal, 2012
() Monographic study/chapter in M12 or research in the thematic collection of the international importanceBorocki J., Đaković V., Bunčić S., Mitrović Veljković S.: Analysis of Innovation Factors at Joint Stock Companies on Emerging Markets Applying Strategic Planning Model, Vienna, DAAAM International Vienna, Vienna 2016, Austria, 2016, str. 361-374, ISBN 978-3-902734-09-9
() Research published in the international journalBuncic S., Filipovic M.:The future of international financial bussiness: Global regulatory framework, African Journal of Business Managment Vol 5 (9) , 4 May 2011, str 3749-3756
() Research published in the international journalFilipović M., Bunčić S.,; New Countries and Economics in the Balkans, Economia Mexicana Nueva Epoca , Vo.1,2013 , pp.281-319
() Research published in the international journalBunčić S.,Filipovic M.: Global Economic Governance a new regime though soft law, Uluslararasi Iliskiler - International Relations, 2015, Vol. 11, No 44, pp. 101-121, ISSN 1304-7310
() Research published in the journal of the international importance verified by the special resolutionFilipović M., Bunčić S.: Supranational Governing Regime for the Global Economy, Serbian Political Thought, Srpska politička misao, 2015, Vol. 2, pp. 33-60, ISSN 0354-5989, UDK: 2/2015: 33-60, UDK 339.97+339
() Research published in the journal of the international importance verified by the special resolutionBunčić S.:Dvadeset godina procesa privatizacije u zemljma na prostoru bivše Jugosslavije modeli i rezultati., Srpska politička misao , 2/2012 str. 201-222
() Research published in the journal of the international importance verified by the special resolutionBunčić S:. G-20 od Pitsburga do Toronta put ka novoj finansijskoj regulativi, časopis Srpska politička misao 3/2010, стр 271-288
() Collection of the International scientific conferences,Sonja BUNČIĆ, Miroslava FILIPOVIĆ : THE OPENING OF ACCESSION NEGOTIATIONS BETWEEN SERBIA AND THE EU - HARMONIZATION OF THE FOREIGN POLICY AND COMPANY LAW,,INTERNATIONAL Scientific Conference Economic Sciences on the Crossroad (2013 ; Belgrade) Economic Sciences on the Crossroad : Proceedings from the international conference
() Report from the international meeting printed in its entiretyBuncic S.Filipovic M. (2013) THE OPENING OF ACCESSION NEGOTIATIONS BETWEEN SERBIA AND THE EU - HARMONIZATION OF THE FOREIGN POLICY AND COMPANY LAW for presentation at the International scientific conference “ECONOMIC SCIENCES ON THE CROSSROAD”, in Belgrade (Serbia) on 4th and 5th of December 2013
() Report from the international meeting printed in its entiretySTREGTHENING WESTERN BALKAN COUNTRIES CORPORATES` COMPETITIVENESS THROUGHT THE RIGHT OF ESTABLISMENT, on Conference "ECONOMIC CHANGES IN A TIME OF CRISIS: CHALLENGES AND OPPORTUNITIES" Coimbra, Portugal, 6-7 september 2012. in organization of GEMF - Group for Monetary and Financial Studies, Faculty of Economics of the University of Coimbra and Institute of Economic Sciences - Belgrade,
() Report from the international meeting printed in its entiretyБунчић С.: Serbian legislation - problems with the legal forms of legal persons and their activity, Conferinta internationala bienala, Timisoara, Romania, Facultatea de Drept si Stiinte Administrative Universitatii de Timisoara, 23-25 octombrie 2008, Wolter Kluwer Romania O-59206, с. 874-883.
() Monograph of the national importance, monographic edition,Pravni položaj banke
() Monograph of the national importance, monographic edition,Bankarsko i berzansko pravo, Poslovni biro SB Novi Sad,2012. str 452,ISBN978-86-84895-06-8
() Chapter in the M41 or research in the prominent thematic collection of the leading national importanceAnaliza zakona i podzakonskih akata RS u propisa EU u oblasti upravljanja otpadom,sa posebnim osvrtom na obaveze lokalne samouprave,odnosno Grada Novog Sada
() Chapter in the M41 or research in the prominent thematic collection of the leading national importanceBunčić S.: Evolucija zakonodavnog okvira upravljanja otpadom u EU- od linearnog do kružnog modela, Beograd, Pravni fakultet Univerziteta Union , 2021, str. 130-162, ISBN 978-86-7952-055-5
() Research published in the leading journal of the national importanceKvalifikovani elektronski potpis kao početak e-uprave, Poslovna ekonomija, 2/2009,str.381-391
() Research published in the leading journal of the national importanceBunčić S.:Lisabonski ugovor i EMU, Pravni život,Beograd,14/2008,s.127-137
() Research published in the leading journal of the national importanceBunčić S.: Twenty years after the Yugoslav break-up: privatization models and results, Revista de Stiinte Politice, 2012, Vol. 33, No 33-334/2012, pp. 117-130, ISSN 1584-224X
() Research published in the leading journal of the national importanceBunčić S.: Zaštita manjiskih akcionara-da li novi Zakon o privrednim društvima donosi napredak?, Pravni život, 2011, Vol. 3, No 11/2011, pp. 137-153, ISSN 0350-0500, UDK: 34.(497.11) (05),
() Research published in the leading journal of the national importanceБунчић С., Галетин М.: Право на настањивање у Европској унији након случаја Cartesio: Даља хармонизација, Право и привреда, ISSN 0354-3501 UDK 347,7, Београд, 4-6/2012, c.149-164
() Research published in the leading journal of the national importanceДомазет С., Бунчић С. :Одређивање надлежности приликом контроле концентрација у праву конкуренције Европске Уније, Пословна економија, ISSN 1820-6859 UDK 3:33+336, Сремска Каменица, 2/2012, c.223-259.
() Research published in the leading journal of the national importanceБунчић С., Галетин М.: Право настањивања у пракси Суда правде Eвропске уније, Правни живот – XVII Будвански правнички дани, ISSN 0350-0500, Београд, 6/2012, с. 319-337.
() Research published in the leading journal of the national importanceBunčić S.:Pravni pristup određenju opcijskog posla , Pravni život 14/2009, s. 315-327
() Research published in the journal of the national importanceФилиповић М., Бунчић С.: International Financial Regulation: Cooperation and/or Conflict ?, Страни правни живот, ISSN 0039 2138 UDK 34, Београд, 3/2010, с.213-257.
() Research published in the journal of the national importanceBunčić S.: Bunčić s. Galetin M.: Pravo na nastanjivanje u Evropskoj uniji nakon slučaja Cartesio :Dalja harmonizacija, Pravo i privreda, Beograd, 2012, Vol. 4, No 4-6/2012, pp. 149-164, ISSN 0354-3501, UDK: 347,7
() Research published in the journal of the national importanceBunčić : Određenje pojma manjinski akcionari i njihova klasifikacija, Pravo i privreda,4-6/2011, str151-162
() Research published in the journal of the national importanceБунчић С.: Субјекти insider dealing-a и њихова одговорност у праву Републике Србије, Право и привреда, ISSN 0354-3501 UDK 347,7, Београд, 1-4/2008,с.61-70; (М52)
() Report from the meeting of the national importance printed in its entiretyBunčić S.: Sport institutions and legal problems in understanding the economic dimension of sport, 6. Institutional assumptions about socio-economic dynamics in East and Central Europe, Novi Sad: Faculty of Technical Science, 24 Decembar, 2015, pp. 63-75, ISBN 978-7892-765-2
() Report from the meeting of the national importance printed in its entiretyBunčić S.: Злоупотреба правног субјективитета спортских организација и решавање у арбитражном поступу, XI међународни научни скуп "Услуге и заштита корисника",Крагујевац, 8. Maj, 2015, pp. 533-545, ISBN 978-86-7623-057-0, UDK: 366,5338.46(082)
() Monograph of the national importance, monographic edition,Pravna priroda akcije
TitleScientific areaHigher education institutionElection date
Full ProfessorUpravljanje rizikom i menadžment osiguranjaUniversity of Novi Sad24.09.2013.
Associate ProfessorProduction Systems, Organization and ManagementFaculty of Technical Sciences24.09.2008.
Assistant ProfessorLegal ScienceFaculty of Technical Sciences20.11.2003.