Prof. Srđan Vulanović

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Srđan Vulanović

Full Professor

Academic titleFull Professor
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Full Professor
PositionFromToOrganizational unit
Associate Professor01.02.2020.31.01.2025.Chair of Quality, Effectiveness and Logistics
Assistant Professor01.02.2015.Chair of Quality, Effectiveness and Logistics
Assistant with PhD12.09.2014.01.01.2015.Department of Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management
Assistant - Magister01.12.2009.01.08.2014.Department of Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management
TitleIn institution
Razvoj marketing funkcije u Istrazivackom i tehnoloskom centru - Novi Sad

Bachelor's thesis

Industrial Engineering and Management

Faculty of Technical Sciences


Razvoj opsteg modela za procenu rizika na radnom mestu u skladu sa zakonskom regulativnom i zahtevima standarda OHSAS 18001

Magister thesis

Industrial Engineering and Management

Faculty of Technical Sciences


Razvoj opšteg modela za implementaciju integrisanog sistema menadžmenta na osnovu procene rizika u procesima organizacija

PhD thesis

Industrial Engineering and Management

Faculty of Technical Sciences


Criterium of productionDescription
() Research published in the prominent international journalOrošnjak M., Štrbac B., Vulanović S., Runje B., Horvatić Novak A., Razumić A.: RCE (Rationale-Cogency-Extent) Criterion Unravels Features affecting Citation Impact of Top-ranked Systematic Literature Reviews: Leaving the impression…is all you need. (IN PRESS), Scientometrics, 2024, ISSN 0138-9130
() Research published in the prominent international journalDudić Ž., Vrhovac V., Vulanović S., Dakić D., Erdeji I., Perović V.: A Risk-Aware Approach to Digital Procurement Transformation, Sustainability, 2024, Vol. 16, No. 3, ISSN 2071-1050
() Research published in the prominent international journalŽižakov M., Vučković T., Vulanović S., Dakić D., Delić M.: Investigating the Key Factors Influencing the Process Innovation Capability in Organizations: Evidence from the Republic of Serbia, Sustainability, 2023, Vol. 15, No. 10, pp. 1-17, ISSN 2071-1050
() Research published in the prominent international journalVulanović S., Delić M., Kamberović B., Beker I., Lalić B.: Integrated management systems based on risk assessment: Methodology development and case studies, Advances in Production Engineering and Management, 2020, Vol. 15, No. 1, pp. 93-106, ISSN 1854-6250
() Research published in the prominent international journalDelić M., Radlovački V., Kamberović B., Vulanović S., Hadžistević M.: Exploring the impact of quality management and application of information technologies on organisational performance – case of Serbia and the wider region, Total Quality Management & Business Excellence, 2014, Vol. 25, No 7-8, pp. 776-789, ISSN 1478-3363
() Research published in the journal of the international importance verified by the special resolutionDelić M., Radlovački V., Kamberović B., Vulanović S., Hadžistević M., Tasić N.: Estimates of quality management systems in Serbia, Metalurgia international, 2013, Vol. 18, No 5, pp. 155-160, ISSN 1582-2214
() Invited lectures from the international meeting printed in its entiretyVulanović S., Kamberović B., Delić M., Radaković N.: SIMILARITIES AND DIFFERENCES BETWEEN RISKS AND OPPORTUNITIES IN QUALITY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM, 7. International Conference Life Cycle Engineering and Management - ICDQM, Prijevor: Research Center DQM, P.O. Box 132, 32102 Čačak, Serbia, 29-30 Jun, 2016, pp. 14-21, ISBN 978-86-86355-32-4
() Invited lectures from the international meeting printed in its entiretyRadaković N., Pantelić I., Kamberović B., Vulanović S.: Ocena uspešnosti projekata izgradnje telekomunikacionih mreža sa studijom slučajeva/Performance Assessment of Telecommunication Networks Construction Projects with Case Studies, 19. Međunarodna DQM konferencija UPRAVLJANJE KVALITETOM I POUZDANOŠĆU, Prijevor: Istraživački centar DQM, Pošt. fah 132, Prijevor, 29-30 Jun, 2016, pp. 36-43, ISBN 978-86-86355-31-7
() Report from the international meeting printed in its entiretyDelić M., Milić B., Marjanović U., Vulanović S., Šević D.: Fostering learning organisation through authentic leadership and employees’ affective commitment, 19. QMOD-ICQSS International Conference on Quality and Service Sciences, Rim: Lund University Library Press, 21-23 Septembar, 2016, pp. 1127-1139, ISBN 978-91-7623-086-2
() Report from the international meeting printed in its entiretyVulanović S., Delić M., Radlovački V., Kamberović B., Beker I.: Risk based design of integrated management systems, 19. QMOD-ICQSS International Conference on Quality and Service Sciences, Rim: Lund University Library Press, 21-23 Septembar, 2016, pp. 1491-1506, ISBN 978-91-7623-086-2
() Report from the international meeting printed in its entiretyJovanović R., Radlovački V., Delić M., Kamberović B., Vulanović S.: Implementation of ISO 13485:2003 Standard Requirements in Blood Transfusion Institute Novi Sad Management System, 10. International Convention on Quality, Beograd: UASQ-United Association of Serbia for Quality, 1-5 Jun, 2015, pp. 54-57, ISBN 978-86-89157-04-8, UDK: 005(082)(0.034.2)
() Report from the international meeting printed in its entiretyVulanović S., Radlovački V., Delić M., Beker I.: Establishing the Organization’s Context – The First Step to Risk Based Quality Management System, 8. International Working Conference "Total Quality Management - Advanced and Intelligent Approaches" - TQM & AIA, Beograd: Vidosav Majstorović, Mechanical Engineering Faculty, Kraljice Marije 16, 11020 Beograd, Serbia, 1-5 Jun, 2015, pp. 243-246, ISBN 978-86-7083-858-1, UDK: 005.6(082)(0.034.2)
() Report from the international meeting printed in its entiretyVulanović S., Vulanović V., Radlovački V., Delić M.: Risk Based Audit of Management Systems, 6. International Symposium on Industrial Engineering (SIE), Beograd: Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Belgrade, 24-25 Septembar, 2015, pp. 49-52, ISBN 978-86-7083-864-2
() Report from the international meeting printed in its entiretyRadlovački V., Delić M., Kamberović B., Vulanović S., Beker I.: Application of information technologies (IT) in organizations that run management systems in accordance with international standards, 12. European Quality Week - JUSK EQW, Novi Sad: UASQ - United Association of Serbia for Quality, Belgrade, SERBIA, 19-20 Novembar, 2015, pp. 63-66, ISBN 978-86-89157-05-5, UDK: 006.3/8:65.012.32
() Report from the international meeting printed in its entiretyVulanović S., Kamberović B., Beker I., Radlovački V., Delić M.: Risk Management in QMS Processes - A Step towards Harmonization With ISO 9001:2015, 12. European Quality Week - JUSK EQW, Novi Sad: UASQ - United Association of Serbia for Quality, Belgrade, SERBIA, 19-20 Novembar, 2015, pp. 55-58, ISBN 978-86-89157-05-5, UDK: 658.5
() Report from the international meeting printed in its entiretyVuković M., Vulanović S., Brkljač N., Delić M., Šević D.: ALATI KVALITETA U AUTOMOBILSKOJ INDUSTRIJI, 9. International Convention on Quality, Beograd: Jedinstveno udruženje Srbije za kvalitet, 2-5 Jun, 2014, ISBN 978-86-89157-02-4, UDK: 330.546:338.45,355.424.5
() Report from the international meeting printed in its entiretyBrkljač N., Vuković M., Vulanović S., Kesić I., Šević D.: USPOSTAVLJANJE SISTEMA UPRAVLJANJA ENERGIJOM U INDUSTRIJSKIM SISTEMIMA, SAGLASNO ZAHTEVIMA STANDARDA ISO 50001:2011 I KORISTI OD PRIMENE, 9. International Convention on Quality, Beograd: Jedinstveno udruženje Srbije za kvalitet, 2-5 Jun, 2014, ISBN 978-86-89157-02-4, UDK: 006.35, 334.71, 502.21
() Report from the international meeting printed in its entiretyVulanović S., Beker I., Kesić I., Brkljač N., Vuković M.: MOGUĆNOST PRIMENE SERIJE STANDARDA ONR 49000 U MENADŽMENTU RIZIKOM U ORGANIZACIJAMA, 9. International Convention on Quality, Beograd: Jedinstveno udruženje Srbije za kvalitet, 2-5 Jun, 2014, ISBN 978-86-89157-02-4, UDK: 65.011.3, 006.027
() Report from the international meeting printed in its entiretyVulanović S., Kamberović B., Beker I., Radlovački V., Delić M.: ESTABLISHMENT OF RISK MANAGEMENT SYSTEM IN SCIENTIFIC AND EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS, 16. International Scientific Conference on INDUSTRIAL SYSTEMS - IS, Novi Sad: University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Technical Sciences, Department of Industrial Engineering and Management, 15-17 Oktobar, 2014, pp. 207-212, ISBN 978-86-7892-652-5
() Report from the international meeting printed in its entiretyRadlovački V., Sladić B., Delić M., Vulanović S., Kamberović B.: The impact of quality management in purchase function on customer satisfaction, 16. International Scientific Conference on INDUSTRIAL SYSTEMS - IS, Novi Sad: University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Technical Sciences, Department for Industrial Engineering and Management, 15-17 Oktobar, 2014, pp. 199-202, ISBN 978-86-7892-652-5
() Report from the international meeting printed in its entiretyDelić M., Radlovački V., Kamberović B., Vulanović S., Hadžistević M.: Exploring the Impact of Quality Management and Application of the Information Technologies on Organizational Performance – Case of Serbia and the Wider Region., 16. Quality Management and Organizational Development QMOD, Portorož: Moderna organizacija, Faculty of Organizational Sciences, University of Maribor, 4-6 Septembar, 2013, pp. 526-534, ISBN 978-961-232-269-4
() Report from the international meeting printed in its entiretyVulanović S., Brkljač N., Kesić I., Delić M., Radlovački V.: Relations Between Occupational Health and Safety and Quality Management Dimensions in Organizations – Launching Research in Transitional Conditions, 16. Quality Management and Organizational Development QMOD, Portorož: Moderna organizacija, Faculty of Organizational Sciences, University of Maribor, 4-6 Septembar, 2013, pp. 1763-1776, ISBN 978-961-232-269-4
() Report from the international meeting printed in its entiretyBrkljač N., Beker I., Vulanović S., Krajinović M., Cvijanov T.: Application of Value Stream Mapping in a Real Process, 2. International Scientific Conference on Lean Technologies (LeanTech), Beograd, 5-6 Septembar, 2013, pp. 17-25, ISBN 978-86-7680-283-8
() Report from the international meeting printed in its entiretyRadlovački V., Delić M., Kamberović B., Vulanović S., Hadžistević M.: How managers estimate management systems today in Serbia, 11. International Scientific Conference "Advanced Production Technologies" - MMA, Novi Sad: FTN Novi Sad, 20-21 Septembar, 2012, pp. 167-170, ISBN 978-86-7892-429-3, UDK: 612.7/.9(082)
() Report from the international meeting printed in its entiretyJovanović R., Delić M., Kamberović B., Vulanović S., Radlovački V.: Improvements of blood stock management in blood banks using lean six sigma, 1. International Scientific Conference on Lean Technologies (LeanTech), Novi Sad: Faculty of technical sciences, 13-14 Septembar, 2012, pp. 85-92, ISBN 978-86-7892-445-3, UDK: 62-5(082); 005.7(082)
() Report from the international meeting printed in its entiretyVulanović S., Brkljač N., Kesić I., Šević D.: Okvir za integraciju standarda ISO 50001 u postojeći sistem menadžmenta, 9. Evropska nedelja kvaliteta - JUSK EQW, Novi Sad, 14-15 Novembar, 2012
() Report from the international meeting printed in its entiretyVulanović S., Beker I., Radlovački V.: Selection, Adjustment and Appliance of FMEA Method in Risk Assessment Process of Integrated Management System, 15. International Scientific Conference on INDUSTRIAL SYSTEMS - IS, Novi Sad: Faculty of technical sciences, Department of industrial engineering and management, 14-16 Septembar, 2011, pp. 320-324, ISBN 978-86-7892-341-8
() Report from the international meeting printed in its entiretyRadlovački V., Kamberović B., Pečujlija M., Delić M., Vulanović S.: Elements of Quality Management and Estimates of Management Systems Provided By Quality Managers - The Situation in Serbia, 15. International Scientific Conference on INDUSTRIAL SYSTEMS - IS, Novi Sad: Faculty of technical sciences, Department of industrial engineering and management, 14-16 Septembar, 2011, pp. 337-342, ISBN 978-86-7892-341-8
() Report from the international meeting printed in its entiretyRadlovački V., Jovanović R., Kamberović B., Delić M., Vulanović S.: THE ROLE OF MANAGERS IN IMPLEMENTING QUALITY MANAGEMENT STANDARDS, 34. International Conference on Production Engineering, Niš: University of Niš, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Department for Production, IT and Management, 28-30 Septembar, 2011, pp. 155-158, ISBN 978-86-6055-019-6
() Report from the international meeting printed in its entiretyVulanović S., Morača S., Šević D.: Uporedni pregled zahteva specifikacije OHSAS 18001:1999 i standarda OHSAS 18001:2007, International Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management, 2008, pp. 349-354, ISSN 2217-2661, 14. International Scientific Conference on INDUSTRIAL SYSTEMS - IS, Novi Sad: Fakultet tehničkih nauka, 2-3 Oktobar, 2008, pp. 349-354, ISBN 978-86-7892-135-3, UDK: 685.5(082)
() Report from the international meeting printed in its entirety***Morača S., Katić J., Vulanović S.: Proizvodnja bio dizela - pozitivni i negativni uticaji u odnosu na zahteve standarda ISO 14000 i OHSAS 18000, Menadžment totalnim kvalitetom i izvrsnost, 2007, ISSN 1452-0680- <u>Nije povezan skup</u><font style="color:#b3b300;">**greska**</font>
() Report from the international meeting printed in its entirety***Morača S., Kamberović B., Vulanović S.: IMPLEMENTACIJA OHSAS 18001 STANDARDA NA PRIMERU KAKANJ CEMENT, HEIDELBERG CEMENT GROUP Naziv časopisa: Total Quality Management & Excellence , Total Quality Management & Excellence, 2006, Vol. 34, No 3 – 4, pp. 121-126, ISSN 1452-0680- <u>Nije povezan skup</u><font style="color:#b3b300;">**greska**</font> , UDK: 658.5
() Prominent monograph of the national importanceVulanović S.: PROJEKTOVANJE INTEGRISANOG SISTEMA MENADŽMENTA NA OSNOVU RIZIKA, Novi Sad, Fakultet tehničkih nauka u Novom Sadu, 2016, ISBN 978-86-7892-846-8
() Research published in the journal of the national importanceJovanović R., Bujandrić N., Kamberović B., Vulanović S.: PREVENTIVNE AKTIVNOSTI NA SMANJENJU UTICAJA OTPADA NA ŽIVOTNU SREDINU, Menadžment totalnim kvalitetom i izvrsnost, 2010, Vol. 38, No 1, pp. 189-192, ISSN 1452-0680, UDK: 005.936.5;628.4.046
() Research published in the scientific journalŠević D., Delić M., Brkljač N., Vulanović S.: Enviromental management system as the basis of integrated management system - possibility, advantage or necessity, Advanced Quality: international journal, 2016, Vol. 44, No 4, pp. 49-52, ISSN 2217-8155, UDK: 658.5
() Research published in the scientific journalJovanović R., Delić M., Kamberović B., Vulanović S., Radlovački V.: Planning the use of Lean Six Sigma as a framework for blood bank management improvements, International Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management, 2013, Vol. 4, No 4, pp. 237-244, ISSN 2217-2661, UDK: 614.2:005.7
() Research published in the scientific journalVulanović S., Beker I., Radlovački V., Delić M.: The Appliance of Work Flow Diagram as a Tool for Identification and Grouping of Failures in Processes of Integrated Management System, Advanced Quality: international journal, 2012, Vol. 40, No 1, pp. 23-26, ISSN 2217-8155, UDK: 658.5
() Research published in the scientific journalBeker I., Delić M., Vulanović S.: ISO 27001 - Anex A - poglavlje 13 - Upravljanje incidentima u vezi sa bezbednošću informacija - kako zadovoljiti zahteve, International Journal Total Quality Management & Excellence, 2010, Vol. 38, No 1, pp. 179-182, ISSN 1452-0680, UDK: 688.5
() Invited lectures from the meeting of the national importance printed in its entiretyVulanović S., Kamberović B., Beker I., Radlovački V., Delić M.: Design of QMS documentation based on risk assessment - a step towards harmonization with ISO 9001:2015, 18. European Quality Week in Serbia, Novi Sad: UASQ - United Association of Serbia for Quality, 18-20 Novembar, 2014, ISBN 978-86-89157-01-7, UDK: 658.5
() Invited lectures from the meeting of the national importance printed in its entiretyRadlovački V., Kamberović B., Delić M., Vulanović S., Beker I., Hadžistević M.: Kako uvesti LEAN 6 SIGMA, uvodno predavanje po pozivu, Zbornik na CD, 10. European Quality Week in Serbia, Novi Sad: JUSK - Jedisntveno udruženje Srbije za kvalitet, Beograd, 19-21 Novembar, 2013, ISBN 978-86-89157-01-7, UDK: 658.5
() Invited lectures from the meeting of the national importance printed in its entiretyMorača S., Vulanović S., Hadžistević M.: Upravljanje projektima implementacije sistema zaštite zdravlja i bezbednosti na radu, 1. Nacionalna konferencija sa međunarodnim učešćem "Zaštita na radu u industriji, poljoprivredi, saobraćaju i komunalnoj delatnosti", Tara, 2-6 Oktobar, 2012, pp. 9-17
() Report from the meeting of the national importance printed in its entiretyVulanović S.: Primena prilagođenog dijagrama toka u procesu procene rizika na radnom mestu i u radnoj okolini, 7. Međunarodno naučno savetovanje: "Rizik i bezbednosni inženjering", Kopaonik: Visoka tehnička škola strukovnih studija u Novom Sadu, 29-4 Januar, 2012, pp. 437-442, ISBN 978-86-6211-006-0
() Report from the meeting of the national importance printed in its entiretyBojić Ž., Vulanović S.: Kontinuirano upravljanje rizicima na radnom mestu i u radnoj okolini, 6. Međunarodno naučno savetovanje Rizik i bezbedonosni inženjering, Kopaonik: Visoka tehnička škola strukovnih studija u Novom Sadu, 31-5 Januar, 2011, pp. 159-165, ISBN 978-86-84853-83-9
() Report from the meeting of the national importance printed in its entiretyVulanović S., Morača S.: RAZVOJ OH&S SISTEMA I IMPLEMENTACIJA INTEGRISANOG SISTEMA UPRAVLJANJA, 1. Nacionalna konferencija sa međunarodnim učešćem, Zaštita na radu, Multidisciplinarno ostvarivanje bezbednosti i zdravlja na radu, Tara: Fakultet tehničkih nauka, Departman za inženjerstvo zaštite životne sredine i zaštite na radu, Novi Sad, 5-9 Oktobar, 2010, pp. 154-159, ISBN COBISS.SR-ID 2572385
() Report from the meeting of the national importance printed in its entirety***Morača S., Vulanović S.: INSTITUCIONALIZACIJA SISTEMA ZAŠTITE ZDRAVLJA I BEZBEDNOSTI NA RADU- <u>Nije povezan skup</u><font style="color:#b3b300;">**greska**</font>
() Report from the meeting of the national importance printed in its entiretyVulanović S.: Usaglašenost zahteva standarda OHSAS 18001:2007 sa zakonskom regulativom Republike Srbije, 0. Savetovanje: Procena rizika, Kopaonik: Visoka tehnička škola strukovnih studija u Novom Sadu, 2-6 Februar, 2009, pp. 393-401, ISBN 978-86-84853-47-1
() Report from the meeting of the national importance printed in extractsBrkljač N., Kesić I., Vulanović S.: DRUŠTVENA ODGOVORNOST KAO FAKTOR USPEŠNOSTI POSLOVANJA, 8. Evropska nedelja kvaliteta - JUSK EQW, Novi Sad: Jedinstveno udruženje Srbije za kvalitet, Beograd, 9-11 Novembar, 2011, pp. 43-43
() Defended Doctoral dissertationVulanović S.: Razvoj opšteg modela za implementaciju integrisanog sistema menadžmenta na osnovu procene rizika u procesima organizacija, Novi Sad, 2014
() Defended Magister thesisVulanović S.: Razvoj opšteg modela za procenu rizika na radnom mestu u skladu sa zakonskom regulativom i zahtevima standarda OHSAS 18001, Novi Sad, 2009
() Prototype, new methods, software, standardized and certified instrumentVulanović S., Morača S., Kamberović B., Radlovački V., Beker I., Šević D., Milisavljević S., Delić M., Brkljač N.: ITC metoda procene rizika na radnom mestu i u radnoj okolini, 2016
TitleScientific areaHigher education institutionElection date
Full ProfessorQuality, Effectiveness and LogisticsUniversity of Novi Sad01.02.2025.
Associate ProfessorQuality, Effectiveness and LogisticsUniversity of Novi Sad01.02.2020.
Assistant ProfessorQuality, Effectiveness and LogisticsUniversity of Novi Sad01.02.2015.
AssistantQuality, Effectiveness and Logistics24.09.2012.
AssistantQuality, Effectiveness and LogisticsFaculty of Technical Sciences18.11.2009.